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question about the setstage command code


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i often start new characters, but just about everything requires you to at least get to the quest where you fight your first dragon. i want to be able to skip right to that so can i just type in the setstage command to complete the previous quest and it marks all the previous ones complete too? or would i have to use setstage for all previous quests?

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It depends on how thoroughly you want it all done. I can already do what you're describing, but it will involve leaving some of the journal entries blank:


; start house purchase quest
setstage MQ00 5
; Unbound
setstage MQ101 1000
completequest MQ101
; Before the Storm
setstage MQ102 1
setobjectivedisplayed MQ102 30 1
setobjectivecompleted MQ102 30 1
setstage MQ102 200
completequest MQ102
; Bleak Falls Barrow
setstage MQ103 8
setstage MQ103 10
setstage MQ103 50
setstage MQ103 90
setstage MQ103 100
setstage MQ103 200
completequest MQ103
; The Golden Claw
setstage MS13 35
setstage MS13 100
completequest MS13
; Dragon Rising
setstage MQ104 40

The above will get you up to "Dragon Rising," but you will get the scene in the Riverwood Trader, for example. I don't quite have this script completely working yet.

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