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Mods work PERFECT on high graphics, but then lag like hell after a reb


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Hi guys,


New to the forums here, but Im really loving the mods! Im having a bit of a very very annoying problem. I installed the Skyrim HD 2K Textures, Apachii Sky Hair, Dimonized USP Female body, The Eyes of Beauty, The Unofficial Skyrim Patch, and The UNP Blessed Body MOD. I installed them all via Nexus Mod Manager, and set my system on high. Everything worked FLAWLESSLY without a single solitary hair of lag. I played it for about 2 hours and went to bed. The next day I loaded up the game via SKSE, and now the game studders and lags like HELL. So I completely uninstalled the game, reapplied the MODS, and it worked PERFECTLY again. Played a few hours, and went to bed. Next day? Same. LAG LIKE CRAZY.


I cant for the life of me figure out why. I have an ASUS N76 laptop with WIndows 8, Intel I7 chip, 8gigs of RAM, and an Nvidia Geforce GT 650M with 2gb RAM pushing it. Also have the newest 314 drivers installedI even tried turning the resolution way down and moving graphics to low or medium, and it still lags the exact same.


What could be causing this? I run the game with these MODS on high graphics for hours, but then after a reboot it studders like crazy. Anyone else ever had this issue? Any ideas what could be causing it?


Thanks very much for your help!


EDIT: Disabled a few reflection options and it seems to have fixed it the lag. Still dont get why it worked fine before though with them on?

Edited by Dai323
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Windows doing anything in the background just after reboot? Just assuming that your laptop has been on for a longer time after you install everything and is doing things in the background if you just boot up which can cause this...


If it's some sort of Dell/HP/Lenovo/etc ... see if you can remove/disable all those custom made vendor software always installed on them, and check your AV if it's not running some soft of system scan on startup causing this.


Those mods will not cause what you experience. So, start up windows and simply disable as much as possible background processes not related to the OS and see if this works.



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It could also be the nvidia driver just has trouble managing video RAM. It's entirely possible that it gets fragmented from a certain amount of use, and then you have to reboot to defragment the video RAM. I have had similar problems on my system, albeit probably magnified about 10x worse than what you're seeing.

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