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Why won't my healing gun work?


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So I made this very simple mod, a healing gun with regenerating ammo. In theory, you could use it to heal companions and NPCs for free withought the need for stimpacks. I did it by creating an object effect that heals health and all limbs for 100. I also used the pulse gun as the base weapon, and set the damage, spread, etc. to zero. I tested it on Boone, though, and for some reason it doesn't heal worth a darn. Would anyone happen to know the reason behind this? I sure don't, and I could use the help. I can upload the broken mod itself if it will help, too.

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I'm not sure if this is correct, but it may have something to do with the lack of damage the weapon does. I think that if a weapon does 0 damage, the game will declare each impact as a "miss", thus not applying the effect. You could set the damage to 1 and the effect would probably heal it up anyway.


I'm not totally sure though, so just keep testing.

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