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Broken Dwemer Centurion Model/Textures


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I'm not sure what I did to break it. I remember I had the Dwemer Centurion working just fine earlier today but then I switched my enb/weather/lighting mods (because I was trying something new and I ended up not liking it) and then it broke. It's the only thing that seems visibly broken at least but it did break and it's annoying me. I need help figuring out how to go about trying to fix this since simply reinstalling the mods that change the centurion did nothing.


Here's the image of the broken centurion:



and an image of my load order via vortex staging folder:



Linked the images because the images are rather large. Any advice would be helpful.




Edit: Come on. 22 views and almost 24 hours passed and no one can help? I don't even know where to begin fixing this and I want to avoid having to do a clean install since the dwemer centurion is the only thing having a problem. I even tried to uninstall the dwemer glowmap mods thinking it might be causing the problem but it's not. I'm at a loss and really need help. Please.

Edited by LegendaryHiccupz
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The first picture is providing you with the information. He's a dwarven centurion named lfreyt and he is part of Dreamborne Islands.esp.

In other words, check the mod Voyage to the Dreamborne Islands in xEdit, look at the "Npc" and see if it replaces the models of the Centurion or if it uses vanilla assets.


If it replaces with anything other than meshes/actors/dwarvenshperecenturion/dwarvenspherecenturion.nif then you may have to re-install the mod (meaning you'll lose progress).


If it's vanilla assets then check your data folder for any loose files replacing the model.

Edited by Hanaisse
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