Eliijahh Posted May 16, 2013 Share Posted May 16, 2013 I'm trying to compile a PSC file from a mod made by another modder, now discontinued. The script works as it runs flawslessly in the game. I extracted the BSA with OBMM. I would like to compile the source PSC, but everytime I try to use the creation kit with cmd, it finds me countless errors, like (x,y) game undefined, or (x,y) none can't be recognized as a command. I can't understand why. I run the compiler with : papyruscompiler aaaessentialplayerscript -flags=TESV_Papyrus_Flags -output=C:\ I didn't use the official creation kit because everytime I try to open the plugin it gives me errors, and when I try to open the script, I can't open it. Can you give me some clues? The PSC is the following. Scriptname aaaEssentialPlayerScript extends ReferenceAlias int injuries = 0 int count = 0 float injuryrecovertime = 0.0 Spell property aaaGhost auto Actor deadplayer FormList property injuryPowers auto int ghostthreshold = 1 aaaEssentialPlayerQuestScript property essentialQuest auto Spell property configSpell auto Armor property ClothesPrisonerTunic auto Armor property UnPlayableColthesPrisonerTunic auto float originalHealth = -1.0 Idle property idlestoploose auto Idle property bleedoutstart auto Idle property bleedoutstop auto bool updated = false ; for new version Quest property warewolfquest auto ImpactDataSet property bleedImpact auto MiscObject property Gold001 auto Event OnInit() RegisterForSingleUpdate(1) EndEvent Event OnUpdate() ;GetActorReference().DoCombatSpellApply(testSpell,GetActorReference()) ;GetActorReference().damageav("Health", 20) if (!GetActorReference().hasSpell(configSpell)) GetActorReference().addSpell(configSpell, false) endif GetActorReference().StartDeferredKill() if (essentialQuest.mode != essentialQuest.ESSENTIALMODE) ghostthreshold = 1 elseif (essentialQuest.mode == essentialQuest.ESSENTIALMODE) ghostthreshold = -1 endif if (essentialQuest.mode == essentialQuest.HARDCOREMODE) ; Upgrade fix to ensure those running on really old version hardcoremode are not left on that mode essentialQuest.mode = essentialQuest.NORMALMODE endif if (!updated) GetActorReference().SetNoBleedoutRecovery(false) updated = true endif ;if (deadplayer != none && deadplayer.getActorValue("InventoryWeight") <= 0 && deadplayer.isEnabled()) ; deadplayer.disableNoWait(true) ; deadplayer.delete() ;endif updateLogic() if (GetActorReference().getActorValue("Health") <= 0 && !getActorReference().isGhost() && !GetActorReference().isInKillMove()) ;Debug.Notification("Health less than 0 update") applyDyingLogic(); endif EndEvent bool bleedingOut = false Function applyDyingLogic() GotoState("HandleBleedOut") GetActorReference().setGhost(true) ;GetActorReference().damageav("Health", 9999) if (essentialQuest.losemoney == 1) int totalgold = GetActorReference().getItemCount(Gold001) if (totalgold > 0) int goldtoremove = totalgold / 1 GetActorReference().removeItem(Gold001, goldtoremove) endif endif if (warewolfquest.GetCurrentStageID() < 100 && warewolfquest.isRunning()) GetActorReference().setGhost(false) warewolfquest.SetCurrentStageID(100) GotoState("") return elseif (warewolfquest.isRunning()) ;wait till its shut down ;Debug.notification("Shutting down warewolf") GetActorReference().setGhost(false) GotoState("") return endif injuries = injuries + 1 injuryrecovertime = Utility.getCurrentRealTime() GetActorReference().StopCombatAlarm() If (isGhostMode()) setHealthAfterBleedOut(true) makeGhost() else bleedingOut = true Game.DisablePlayerControls() if (essentialQuest.essentialtype == essentialQuest.FIRSTPERSON) GetActorReference().SetUnconscious(true); Game.ForceFirstPerson() Game.ShakeCamera(none, 0.5, 5) else Game.ForceThirdPerson() GetActorReference().PlayIdle(bleedoutstart) endif endif RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.1) endFunction Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, \ bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked) if (getActorReference().isGhost()) return endif if (getActorReference().isInKillMove()) return endif ;Actor killer = akAggressor as Actor ;if (killer != none && killer.IsInKillMove()) ;GotoState("HandlingKillMove") ;Debug.Notification("Kill Move Triggered") ;GetActorReference().setGhost(true) ;Game.DisablePlayerControls() ;while(GetActorReference().IsInKillMove()) ; Utility.wait(0.25) ;endwhile ; applyDyingLogic(); if (GetActorReference().getActorValue("Health") <= 0) ;Debug.Notification("Health less than 0 hit") applyDyingLogic(); endif EndEvent Function recoverBleedOut() ;GetActorReference().getActorBase().setInvulnerable(true) ;GetActorReference().setGhost(true) ;setHealthAfterBleedOut(true) ;Utility.wait(0.05) ;setHealthAfterBleedOut(false) ;GetActorReference().damageav("Health", 20) ;Utility.wait(1.05) ;Debug.notification("Now Mortal") setHealthAfterBleedOut(false) if (essentialQuest.essentialtype == essentialQuest.FIRSTPERSON) ;do nothing else GetActorReference().PlayIdle(bleedoutstop) Utility.wait(2) ; Ensure animation has time to recover player Game.ForceFirstPerson() endif ;GetActorReference().getActorBase().setInvulnerable(false) ;GetActorReference().setGhost(false) GetActorReference().setGhost(false) Game.EnablePlayerControls() GetActorReference().SetUnconscious(false); GotoState("") addInjury() GetActorReference().PlayIdle(idlestoploose) ;GetActorReference().SetAnimationVariableBool("bIdlePlaying", true) ;Debug.SendAnimationEvent(GetActorReference(), "IdleStopInstant") endfunction State HandlingKillMove Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, \ bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked) ;Do Nothing EndEvent EndState State HandleBleedOut Event OnHit(ObjectReference akAggressor, Form akSource, Projectile akProjectile, bool abPowerAttack, bool abSneakAttack, \ bool abBashAttack, bool abHitBlocked) ;Do Nothing EndEvent Function updateLogic() if (bleedingOut) ; First death does not auto heal wait 5 seconds then heal player count = count + 1 if (count >= 50) recoverBleedOut() elseif (essentialQuest.essentialtype == essentialQuest.FIRSTPERSON) GetActorReference().PlayImpactEffect(bleedImpact); endif ;elseif (bleedingOut) ; ; Bug case with essential coming back to life automatically with full health (should not be happening anymore) ; recoverBleedOut() endif RegisterForSingleUpdate(0.1) EndFunction Function applyDyingLogic() ; do nothing endFunction EndState Function updateLogic() if (injuries > 0) if (Utility.getCurrentRealTime() - injuryrecovertime >= 30) ;|| (GetActorReference().getCombatState() == 0 && !bleedingOut)) ; Disable going into ghost mode injuries = 0 endif endif RegisterForSingleUpdate(1) EndFunction function makeGhost() injuries = 0 ;Game.EnablePlayerControls() GetActorReference().StopCombatAlarm() GetActorReference().setGhost(false) GetActorReference().DoCombatSpellApply(aaaGhost,GetActorReference()) if (deadplayer != none && deadplayer.isEnabled()) if (essentialQuest.ishardcore != essentialQuest.HARDCOREGHOST) deadplayer.removeAllItems(GetActorReference(), true, false) endif deadplayer.disableNoWait(true) deadplayer.delete() endif int i = 0 ;while (i < injuryPowers.getSize()) ; Spell injury = injuryPowers.getAt(i) as Spell ; GetActorReference().dispelSpell(injury) ; i = i + 1 ;endwhile Actor tmpdeadplayer = GetActorReference().PlaceAtMe(GetActorReference().getActorBase(), 1, true, false) as Actor tmpdeadplayer.removeAllItems() if (essentialQuest.ishardcore != essentialQuest.EASYGHOST) GetActorReference().unequipAll() endif if (essentialQuest.ishardcore == essentialQuest.HARDCOREGHOST) GetActorReference().removeAllItems() elseif (essentialQuest.ishardcore == essentialQuest.NORMALGHOST) GetActorReference().removeAllItems(tmpdeadplayer, true, false) endif ;tmpdeadplayer.addItem(UnPlayableColthesPrisonerTunic, 1, true) ;tmpdeadplayer.equipItem(UnPlayableColthesPrisonerTunic, false, true) tmpdeadplayer.enableNoWait(true) tmpdeadplayer.kill() deadplayer = tmpdeadplayer if (essentialQuest.ishardcore == essentialQuest.HARDCOREGHOST) GetActorReference().addItem(ClothesPrisonerTunic, 1, true) GetActorReference().equipItem(ClothesPrisonerTunic, false, true) endif GoToState("") GetActorReference().PlayIdle(idlestoploose) ;GetActorReference().SetAnimationVariableBool("bIdlePlaying", true) endfunction function addInjury() if (essentialQuest.mode == essentialQuest.ESSENTIALMODE) injuries = 0 endif if (essentialQuest.disableinjuries == 0) int chosen = Utility.RandomInt(0, injuryPowers.getSize() - 1) Spell injury = injuryPowers.getAt(chosen) as Spell GetActorReference().DoCombatSpellApply(injury,GetActorReference()) endif endfunction bool function isGhostMode() return (essentialQuest.mode == essentialQuest.GHOSTMODE || (ghostthreshold != -1 && injuries > ghostthreshold)) endfunction function setHealthAfterBleedOut(bool maxhealth) ;GetActorReference().ResetHealthAndLimbs() float health = GetActorReference().getActorValue("Health") if (maxhealth) ;GetActorReference().damageav("Health", 1) ; So if using console command kill will recover correctly GetActorReference().restoreav("Health",GetActorReference().getBaseActorValue("Health")) else int toheal = (GetActorReference().getBaseActorValue("Health") / 4) as int if (health < 0) GetActorReference().restoreav("Health", (health * -1) + toheal) elseif (health > toheal) GetActorReference().damageav("Health", health - toheal) GetActorReference().restoreav("Health",1) else GetActorReference().restoreav("Health", (toheal - health) + 1) endif endif bleedingOut = false count = 0 EndFunction Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
gsmanners Posted May 17, 2013 Share Posted May 17, 2013 Papyrus relies on the plugin (esp) for property values. So, you'll either need to supply those values in your own plugin, or you'll need to make the old plugin load somehow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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