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Flashing in top right corner


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You appear to be either overheating your GPU, have set it beyond it's capabilities, or it is dying (maybe from #1.)


I would suggest you check the temperatures while playing immediately. If they are high, then turn down your settings, dust out your computer and maybe change the thermal paste on your card.

If the temperature are cool, then try turning down your settings, especially AA, AO and any ENBs you are using. (though the dusitng is always a good idea,)


If none of that works, you might be looking at the beginning of the end for your card.

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Agree with Georgiegril

This is overclocking related... I had to reduce my cards overclocking by quite a lot to become stable with Skyrim... I had the exact same flashes and had to take off 10-15% of my CPU clock and around 10% of my Mem before they were gone.


If your card is not overclocked you might wanna open your computer to see if it's not completely cramped up with dust (or dead mice)... overheating can also cause stuff to get weird.

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i did overclock my card from 860 to 960, ill turn that down and see if it stops. the highest temp i get is 65C, HD 7850 bought it in january this year. this only happens on skyrim. i also dust my PC pretty often, last time last week with compressed air.

Edited by gazawisay
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