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Creating a spell to summon objects


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Hi all, so I would like to know how to create a spell in the creation kit that allow me to summon an object, a chest precisely. I searched but I found anything, I suppose it requires a script. I know there is some mods that already do this but I like to make my own spells so I can modify them at will.


Any ideas on how to do this ? Please

Edited by Skyrimaccountnexus
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I believe you'd need to put a script on the magic effect used in your spell that places the object at the player location. Here is a link to the PlaceAtMe command for papyrus. Hopefully it will help you get things started.



One other option is to get one of those other mods that do this and take a look at how it is done. You will be learning what they did and recreating it with your own variables and methods. It would not be stealing. Tho if you release it, it would be nice to at least mention that you learned how to do it by looking at said mod.

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O.o Why can't you open the scripts from downloaded mods? If they are in a BSA, you can extract them with BSAopt or a similar program. The only time that you cannot get to view the scripts is if the mod author did not supply the PSC files. It is actually rare that a mod author will not supply them. Most do.

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