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Mod troubleshooting


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which *.nif files are being called for those weapons? how do I put this, installorder is what overwrites simalar files, so, you have made a choice of where theesp directives areplaced, you have not made any choices as to which mod extra data loads. That is controlled by install and over writes in that order.The very best way to protect what you have now is to isolate the proceedure before to mess with any thing. you make desktop folders named of course to what your doing.


  • FWE meshes\weaponds
  • RH_IronSights_Basic\weapons.

now, you make a storage folder to sort what you have.

  • using this data folder<---here, you drag all your weapon data too, sub folders are mesh and texture both.

you open up your last saved game file in fomm's saved game viewer, and click on it, then to export that text to the desktop and save it as you wish so you can reinstall that exact load order later.


now, all weapon data is removed from the main data folder. reinstall or deactivate and reinstall FWE. then Go into that folder and find the data for the weapons. here , at theis point you have what is known as that mods data for sure , no doubt. this is a new folder to make , call it known FWE, and move that data, not copy, Move it out to that new folder.


now, you do the same thing to RHiS mod, all the same way, you will have 5 folders on the desktop.

now you package up these as 7z files each, you custom choices, all 5. you give it your name. you install which ever you think is the right ones and now can go into the game and check the weapons. if you choice is incorrect, you now know which mod made that choice. you deactivate it and activate the next one.


this takes only minute to complete when all is ready. 20 minutes and you will know which mod does what, replaces what.

you posted a list, both mods may in fact touch those weapons mesh files, the mesh files are directly connected to any texture files and will call only whats in the lines coded into the mesh files. there are 3 choices possible, Vanilla and the 2 mods in question. here, in this, what ever is loaded in ram VIA the bsa's and the lose texture folder will load, only what you choose. No more mistaking which does what. you can really narrow down the exact arrangement and make a solid archive of your own to save as an overwrite so any time later, no more guess work. Very small packages, and it's all your personal choices. it's fool proof.


leveling can be effected by the *.nif files and the crazy shooting into the air is the wrong mesh file calling the wrong texture, they are not mated to one another. a miss match.



Ok, I kind of follow your instructions but not exactly sure on a couple of things. I'll get back to you soon when I'm feeling a little braver :blush:

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No rush, that is a lot to try and swallow in one gulp, and remember, you need to move Just the mesh files only leave the textures there. During reinstall , pay attention as to what get overwritten if any. if you see textures mentioned , then they also will need to be moved out as well. It is complicated as long as you look at it that way. it's really simple, we know there is gonna be a lot of overwrites, but if the objects YOU want are not there, in your mind, there won't be any overwrites. your isolating only what you want, not the whole mods assemblies, this makes it small and fast. once you make you moved extracted installed data folders on the desk top. you will have a package for each mods mesh files, zip them bad boy's up and use your mod manager to install your archives one at a time and check them in game, don't, I repeat, don't install all your folders. just one at a time, un install them as you progress for the next batch.


Now. your saved game. before you attempt this, go into the game and make 5 know hard saves, each one you move about 10 feet. these are your messing around saved games, they will be trash so you know which are which and can be discarded when your all done. choose wisely.


Kitty Black

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