Demhilord Posted May 16, 2013 Share Posted May 16, 2013 I would like some help with my question and if you disagree with me, that is fine, but please no personal attacks, tell me why you think I'm wrong and I'll agree or not but I would like to keep it civil. I usually don't post because of all the rude flamers I have to deal with.First, I have played TES since dagger falls. Didn't like it back then but really enjoy it now.I have purchased - full retail - 4 copies of the game for my family and my self to play. 3 PC and 1 XBox360 version.Sorry, just showing I"m invested in the game. My question is, now that I have decided to join the Storm Troops and attack the empire, do I just shoot the troops in the camps as I find them? I'm not even sure I'm making the right choice by joining the storm cloaks. I see them as the rebels in Star Wars more so the then SS troops of WWII. Am I right on this? And if I do pick them what do I do next? Quests? And/Or my own attacks?I REALLY like the game because I can play in a very nonlinear manner. I spent months of Real Time just wondering about the World of Skyrim so I may have missed some quests that were meant to help me make a choice. So if you can give me advice, I'd be most appreciative. If it needs to go to another area here, let me know, I don't want to be kicked off for the wrong question in the wrong place. QUESTION #2And if you can suggest other games that someone who loves Skyrim may like, please do. The only game I have played even close to it was a german game with a lot of bugs but the names escapes me. I'd also be open to Horror games if they were as good as Skyrim. I've seen Assassins Creed Advertised but I"m not a big fan of the time periods the game occures in, or the subject matter, so I"m not sure. What of Dragon Wars? Any good? I played the Original Dragon Wars on the C=64 when I was a little kid. QUESTION # 3Wait:: One more question, when I try to summon a creature, for instance a troll I do this:~Help "Troll" 4 <ENTER> (I see a bunch of listings so I pick one)Troll Udefrykte 0003E40E (I looked 0003E40E up on the internet but usually I use the #'s provided by the HELP feature. ) So I TYPE::player.placeatme 3e40e 10 <ENTER> ~ And BANG!! I might have 2 trolls, 1 dragon, 1 Death God, 1 Jahova's Witness and 3 Stooges!What happened? I put the number Help gave me in and I may get the desired object back, or I may not. Why is that? QUESTION # 4:If you are still with me, thanks.Here it goes:Why do the rabbits and pheasants that are hanging in homes go Apespit when I get close to them? They act like they are alive and hung by the neck or feet but are trying to get away.Why is going on?It reminds me of the time I tried to resurrect a dead rabbit. He came back to life but was still FLAT. He could scoot like heck though. Speaking of that, I resurrected a dragon who was burning and he came back invisible. Wow, almost wiped me out. I know my questions covered a broad range of topics.Any help, suggestions or advice would be most appreciated.Thanks Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StayFrosty05 Posted May 16, 2013 Share Posted May 16, 2013 Hello Demhilord.... :happy: Just a quick note first... your post would have been more suited to the 'Spoilers' you are asking questions that require 'spoilers' to be given. The Stormcloaks....No, don't attack the Imperial Camps....*WARNING SPOILER AHEAD*.....the Captains in all Camps are set essential and your attacks are considered crimes....Murder.....You will be given 'duties'....quests to complete....I don't join the Stormcloaks myself and so could be wrong in regards to who you speak to, to gain your quests, but I am thinking it would be Galmer Stonefist...the guy always by Ulfrics side. Who's right and who's wrong, who's side you should join, who they are,'s all relative....We each see the situation differently, where you see Rebels with a just cause, I see good men led by a zealot with no regards for anyone but himself, but that's just me.....I certainly see plenty of Mud on the Imperials also, just much less damaging than the Stormcloaks. There are no quests designed to help you make a choice....just some dialogs....I spent my first game speaking with EVERY NPC I could find in Skyrim, looking for dialog related to the Civil War quest...I found some, not much, but found all to be very one eyed...each from their own narrow perspective, no deeper thought or questioning from anyone really....though I hear there's a High Elf Imperial Captain in a Camp in the 'Rift' has some pretty interesting views. Have you spoken with anyone in the Solitude Court also to hear a staunchly Imperial perspective?....But maybe a journey around the Camps from both sides speaking to the Captains before making any final decisions may give you the wider perspective your looking for. Question 2....I am sorry, I can't really help you gaming experience is very small....Have you tried 'Dragon Age Origins' bought out by Bioware? I don't like the combat system it utilizes myself, but for story it's very good. Question 3....Sorry, I have absolutely no idea....and have never used the '' commands. Question 4....Your Rabbits and Pheasants shouldn't be doing you use Mods? I hope I was of some help.... :happy: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Demhilord Posted May 24, 2013 Author Share Posted May 24, 2013 Hello StayFrosty05 and thank you for the reply.I search the next and have little luck with the questions I have so thanks for the reply. So do Most Gamers consider the use of the ~console to be cheating? I personally never used it until I fell in a crevice between rocks while crossing some mountains and became stuck. Was unable to get out and was not going to reload. Anyway, if you know, another question since Bethesda is silent to my emails.Why are some corpses easy and "light" but some are very heavy and have a lot of inertia? Anyone know? I've found a pleasure in throwing the bodies of my attackers off the tops of mountains (my preferable habitat ) to let the other monsters know not to bother me. And a last, tongue in cheek/skull question, Why do skeletons always have gold? Were do they keep it and what are they planning on buying with it? I guess this is true for any of monsters. There must be a place where they can all go shop, right? Stupid I know but the game is suppose to be immersive. And for Stayfrosty05: I went outside once, couldn't get the UNP-UNPB/CBBE mods to load for my girlfriend (or my wife.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StayFrosty05 Posted May 25, 2013 Share Posted May 25, 2013 Hello Demhilord... :happy: You do like your 'relative' questions.... :happy: .....Console Use....Me, I use it, I set my Dovahkins height with it, get him the ingredients and leathers, make his Armor, Weapons, Bling (Jewelry), Kits, etc....basically anything I feel he should really be able to have access to, instead on relying on some Smithy having the simplest and most base of products available....such as my Dovah's Bow is crafted with Firewood and Steel Ingots, Firewood can be ridiculously hard to come across in game, though your surrounded by Wood Piles and so thus I console the Firewood....Same goes for the Crafting Kits he uses....though in reality a 'Fire Lighting' Crafting Kit would just consist of just a Flint, the Crafting Kit calls for Fire Salts and so I console them and RP it as just a Flint. Many people use the console for all sorts of things....and many others will not touch it. I think so long as it enhances your game play for yourself there is absolutely nothing wrong with using the Console...this is a Single Player game, it's not as if you can 'Cheat' ....My only advice with Console use is so long as your not ruining your own game fun with it, then there's nothing wrong with it at all.....Do be aware though that some console commands, such as skipping Quests and such can harm your game. I have absolutely no idea about the Body weights, I'm sorry....I have never tried to pick a body up, so wasn't even aware of the issue....Interesting 'habit' by the way.... :P .... :biggrin: You got me stumped on your last comment....sorry, straight over my head.... :ohdear: ....I am left wondering about your Dovahkin's behavior though.... :biggrin: ....a Girlfriend AND a wife??.... :blink: .... :biggrin: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bbrrggillespie Posted May 26, 2013 Share Posted May 26, 2013 MILD SPOILERS Just a little ways into the main quest, you sneak into the Thalmor embassy in Skyrim to determine if they have anything to do with the dragons returning. You'll find a few dossiers on various characters within the game, one of whom is Ulfric Stormcloak. That one dossier gives you better insight into who you'll want to side with in the civil war. There isn't a "correct" or "righteous" side of the civil war. Just depends on which faction's ideology you agree with. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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