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17/f/uk Ive had morrowind for just over a yr now! Not a huge goat fan but i like fish! i have a fish tank i just need fish etc  :whistling:

And all you need is a Chinese man with chopsticks... =o) He'll help you clean out the tank... Of life... SO all thats left is plastic plants and a little plastic treasure chest that blows out blubbles... I hate fish =oP (I hate eating them...)



I'm more of a dog and cat person. Infact I really miss my fat doggy right now... Her name is Misty and shes a 6 year old spreagel (Springer & Beagel). We've had her since she was about a month or two old and my aunt found her in the middle of the woods sitting on a tree stump. =o( But shes cute =o)


This is a pic of her as a puppy: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v198/Arg...etlam/misty.jpg


And this is of her all growed up... and fat... http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v198/Arg...-1086210816.jpg

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Unfortunatly the human race does have a tendancy to do that. A lot of people tend to be stupid and not think about what they do before they do it. Like my friend who smokes marajuana because 'its fun'. I dont remember when killing brain cells, damaging your nervous system and blackening your lungs was fun... But whio knows... I mean, hes a month older than me and has an average of 2.0-2.5 GPA, so he must know better than me... I've got a 3.8-3.9 GPA, but hes obviously smarter than me.
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i have a 3.98 or something like that (on a 4.0, not a 10.0 scale) :P


ive never touched pot, and avoid smokers when possible. the smell is enought to make me retch. i cant understand why you would start in the first place.


ok call me a nambypambygoodytwoshoes, but i prefer to keep my mind sharp for UT2004. plus i like my brain the way it is. and i like breathing.

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My friend was normal when I met him 4 years ago... Lazy and had bad grades, but normal besides that... Wait O.o That IS normal... Anyways, I dont know the real reason he does drugs =oP Ok, look at me... I'm putting my problems on a board where there are 35782 people that can see them, yet they've never seen me... And I feel perfectly fine with it O.o God, I'm pathetic...
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personal shtuff

I didn't know this was an e/n thread ^_^


I've been addicted to crack for YEARS! But then I stopped, when I realized I was just getting crack whores. Now I do coke because with coke, I can get Paris Hilton!


Amazing new change in my life. I have the munchies, k thnx bye!




PS. Why are you posting stuff about your friend? It's really off topic unless he plays Morrowind. In which case, cool I know some druggies too! :innocent:

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ok I'm 33 going on 21 , hehe, I have been playing morrowind since march of '04 and even built a new computer to play it even better (ok more for SWG but this is a morrowind site :P ) but morrowind has been by far the greatest game that I have ever played or most likly ever will, mainly because of the loose way in wich the game is designed. Yea other games have level design programes adn expantions to keep people comeing back to that game but as far as I know only morrowind lets you play with EVERY aspect of the game, even to the point of creating your own game. And that is why to me morrowind is the greatest.



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