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CTD when attempting Dragon Rising quest


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As the title states, I have been getting CTD's when I leave Whiterun and head to the Western Watchtower to initiate the quest. They all happen at around the same area/distance from the location. It may be a confliction with a mod, but I wouldn't know which one it would be. I don't have very many installed, though.

I did have a character before this I loaded most of the mods onto. For testing purposes. I did finish Dragon Rising on that character. But I started having problems with a mod that was later fixed. I updated but no amount of clean saves could solve the problem. So I started a new character and things were going smoothly until now. Only mods I added since starting the new character were just textures and hair.


When I try to run the game again after the CTD I get "Application load error P:0000065432". Running as Admin doesn't work. So I have to restart my rig when this happens.


I suppose I could revert to a save before getting the Dragonstone and not have shouts. Ever. But if there's a way around this and I can actually play the game normally then that'd be great.


And here's my mods folder, if it helps.


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