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My custom worldspace's environment looks too blueish?


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Hi. Could somebody please tell me what is my problem :/? It has no parent worldspace if that even affects anything, It's supposed to look clear and more like a winter. I've tried different climates, this one on image is 'SkyrimClimate' if I disable the skybox the blue haze disappears.


Could it be because of my settings of how high my worldspace is placed at? (and if it is, can I safely raise the level of land so I don't get cells placed randomly around me?)


My settings:

Based on tamriel worldspace

default land height: -2048.0000

default water height: -2120.0000


Oh and I used

tutorial to set this worldspace up (so I copied his settings for land height etc. cause I had a problem where cells got placed at random heights around me and I haven't noticed it anymore).


Edit: I haven't generated any LOD for this modified mesh yet, would it change the fact why the environment is blueish?


Here is the image: why is it too blue? Is it like a 'sea level' :s




Thanks if somebody finds time to reply me :smile:

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What type of texture for the ground did you use? Does it look that way in ck too or just in game?

Yes it looks exactly the same in CK. The texture is snow.



I made a new file, and didn't use the height settings I used before (I honestly have no idea what they even do, and are they important in first place). So now I use water height 0, land height 6 and everything looks normal. So if I want to create a little town and add some hills behind it, are the height settings that important :s?


I thought height settings were only important when you want to 'meld' different worldspaces together? or something <- I just have no idea really of it's importance, would like to know the answer to it though lol :)

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Are you duplicating another cell to make this one? If so some of the ambient lighting from the cell itself might give you that look, i.e. some ambient lighting is pitch black, some have a blue tint to it such as the one used in Azura's star (this actually might be the same ambient lighting your seeing in the game.) I would recommend try a different cell and see if that doesn't give you a better lighting.

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