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Will my PC need some performance mods to survive what I'm going to


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Yeah, I had a feeling...only 1 gig of VRAM on the 550.


I'll have to think about whether I really want to spend the money, but two 550s at once should have me covered, right? From what little research I did, it seems like that's a good amount of power.

I would rather go single gpu (the 660)

Because two 550's in sli

- generate more heat which can be a problem depending on the airflow of your case

- have bad driver support compared to single gpu's (nvidia has better drivers then AMD though)

-more power draw so you need a good power supply

- make sure your motherboard actually supports sli at at least x8 x8 speed in sli


Now I would again recommend selling the 550 and getting a gtx 660

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Yeah, I had a feeling...only 1 gig of VRAM on the 550.

I'll have to think about whether I really want to spend the money, but two 550s at once should have me covered, right? From what little research I did, it seems like that's a good amount of power.

I would rather go single gpu (the 660)
Because two 550's in sli
- generate more heat which can be a problem depending on the airflow of your case
- have bad driver support compared to single gpu's (nvidia has better drivers then AMD though)
-more power draw so you need a good power supply
- make sure your motherboard actually supports sli at at least x8 x8 speed in sli

Now I would again recommend selling the 550 and getting a gtx 660


Well said, I know I really had to fudge with the settings to get Skyrim to work with my SLI setup lol.

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