EkehMayu Posted May 18, 2013 Share Posted May 18, 2013 The only two thought's I have are: Today is the four month anniversary of trying to make a modded Skyrim setup work. I played Skyrim to death November to January in 2011-2012; then figured i'd quit for a year straight, come back when the mod's had matured and start a modded game then. Since January it's been nothing but nightmare's. I set up the game, find the error's, deduce typically with success. I've learned a great deal about technnical subject's i'd never naturally be into. I've fixed everything I could find an issue to: game's not starting, incompatibilitie's, pattern's, script error's, etcetera. My brain's about fried though, i've reached a limit to my willingness to learn for so little payoff. The combination of mod's that i've read, studied, tested, bled with is leading to a game freezing every 5-45 minute's. I can't find anything to go off on, pattern's, error's... I've even bought a new GFX card, an Nvidia 660 Ti with 3 GB of Vram Even play the game without AA and medium for shadow's, consider. Game run's smooth as butter, with an occasional stutter during loadin. When testing, I start the game off on Alternate Start usually, so the game is completely fresh. I'm not noticing anything in a pattern. It happen's in citie's, entering, fighting, running in the wilderness. I get the concept of having too many esp's/esm's. I've utilized the Bashed Patch and rebuilding it, but that's about it. 1) There's a seriously bad egg in the batch, that's either incompatible or just a rotten mod. 2) I need to use Wrye Bash better And if it is Vram use overload, then do I really need a better graphic's card to run this setup? I've got 16 gb Ram and an i7 3.33ghz 12 cpu Skyrim.esm Update.esm Dawnguard.esm HearthFires.esm Dragonborn.esm ClimatesOfTamriel.esm Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm MagicDuelReborn.esm moonpath.esm SkyMoMod.esm SPIKE.esm TravellersOfSkyrim.esm SoS - Civilization.esp HighResTexturePack01.esp HighResTexturePack02.esp HighResTexturePack03.esp Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp Chesko_Frostfall.esp Better Dynamic Snow.esp BWS.esp Improved Combat Sounds v2.2.esp LIAT - Sounds.esp mintylightningmod.esp fantasy music overhaul.esp fantasy music overhaul - no vanilla music.esp fantasy music overhaul - unique town music.esp StaticMeshImprovementMod.esp StaticMeshImprovementMod-DragonbornTernFix.esp Birdsofskyrim.esp Chesko_WearableLantern.esp Dead Body Collision.esp Dual Sheath Redux.esp genpeople.esp Immersive Battles.esp Immersive Brigands.esp Immersive Dawnguard.esp Immersive Factions.esp Immersive Mercenaries.esp Immersive Patrols.esp Immersive Travelers.esp Immersive Werewolves.esp Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - lvl-1.esp Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - default.esp Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - lvl-3.esp Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - lvl-4.esp Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - lvl-2.esp LIAT - NPCs.esp Moss Rocks.esp Point The Way.esp SleepingDangers-SandsofTime.esp Skyrim Immersive Creatures.esp Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp TravellersOfSkyrim - Vanilla.esp TravellersOfSkyrim - Dragonborn Addon.esp Convenient Horses.esp DYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp WetandCold.esp WetandCold - Ashes.esp SkyUI.esp iHUD.esp hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp Dr_Bandolier.esp DeadlyDragons.esp SkyRe_Main.esp SkyRe_Survivalism.esp AdalMatar.esp BetterDarkBrotherhood.esp DragonmournInn.esp tos_granitehall.esp Immersive Events.esp moonpath_questdata.esp MoreBanditCamps.esp quest_pitfighter.esp quest_pitfighter_dlc01.esp Run For Your Lives.esp When Vampires Attack.esp TheDomain.esp TheFrontier.esp Wyrmstooth.esp Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp Headtracking.esp Immersive Weapons.esp SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp dD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp Helgen Reborn.esp tos_amber_guard.esp tos_laintardale_hf.esp tos_oakwood_hf.esp SkyrimSewers.esp SoS - The Dungeons.esp SoS - The Wilds.esp SoundPropagationOverhaul.esp FootstepsSoundsOverhaul.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-Sound.esp skyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp ClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp SoS - Civilization-PatchSPO.esp SoS - Civilization-PatchRLOMajorCityInteriors.esp SoS - Civilization-PatchRLOMinorCities.esp SoS - Civilization -PatchCoTSounds.esp SoS - Civilization-PatchCoT.esp dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp Brevi_MoonlightTales.esp Apocalypse - The Spell Package.esp BFSEffects.esp DeadlySpellImpacts.esp MagicDuelReborn - Shouts.esp Duel - Combat Realism.esp Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp Dodge Mod.esp DragonCombatOverhaul.esp DragonCombatOverhaulDragonborn.esp Locational Damage.esp The Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp ABT - Loot Arrows +100%.esp ABT - Merchants Arrows +100%.esp ABT - Increased Bolts Damage (Vanilla) +150%.esp ABT - Increased Progressive Damage (Vanilla) +150%.esp ABT - Recover +50% Arrows and Bolts.esp GDO_Plugin_SkyRe.esp dD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp Beards.esp Brows.esp 3DNPC.esp HothFollower.esp CompanionValfar.esp CerwidenCompanion.esp EMCompViljaSkyrim.esp EMViljaInSolstheimAddOn.esp moveitLWT.esp AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp getSnowy.esp WATER.esp WATER Plants.esp WATER DB Waves.esp Bashed Patch, 0.esp Automatic Variants.esp ASIS-Dependency.esp ASIS.esp Dual Sheath Redux Patch.esp ReProccer.esp AesirArmor.esp Immersive Ivarstead.esp Immersive Karthwasten.esp Immersive Kynesgrove.esp Immersive Falkreath.esp Immersive Darkwater crossing.esp Immersive Dawnstar.esp Immersive Dragon Bridge.esp Immersive Shors stone.esp Immersive Stonehills.esp Immersive Rorikstead.esp Immersive Morthal.esp Immersive Orc Strongholds.esp Immersive Riverwood.esp DeadlyMutilation.esp dD-DG-DB-MonsterMod EBT Patch.esp AFTtweak.esp Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ripple Posted May 18, 2013 Share Posted May 18, 2013 Let's start by replacing your load order with a BOSS log. Include the list of plugins not recognized by BOSS if one is generated, enclose them all in spoiler tags like you did with the load order. Next, list any mods you are using which do not come with plugins, like texture or body replacers. Your system specs (so we can get a sense of whether your rig can handle what you are throwing at it). Have you 'tweaked' the game ini files in any way? If so, post them too (enclose in spoiler tags). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EkehMayu Posted May 18, 2013 Author Share Posted May 18, 2013 Let's start by replacing your load order with a BOSS log. Include the list of plugins not recognized by BOSS if one is generated, enclose them all in spoiler tags like you did with the load order. Next, list any mods you are using which do not come with plugins, like texture or body replacers. Your system specs (so we can get a sense of whether your rig can handle what you are throwing at it). Have you 'tweaked' the game ini files in any way? If so, post them too (enclose in spoiler tags). 1) Recognized:Skyrim.esm ActiveUpdate.esm ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Contains dirty edits: 92 ITM, 3 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Dawnguard.esm ActiveContains dirty edits: 607 ITM, 82 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}HearthFires.esm ActiveContains dirty edits: 171 ITM, 11 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Dragonborn.esm ActiveContains dirty edits: 57 ITM, 8 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.ClimatesOfTamriel.esm ActiveLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm ActiveMagicDuelReborn.esm Activemoonpath.esm ActiveSkyMoMod.esm ActiveSPIKE.esm ActiveTravellersOfSkyrim.esm ActiveSoS - The Dungeons.esp ActiveSoS - The Wilds.esp ActiveSoS - Civilization.esp ActiveHighResTexturePack01.esp ActiveHighResTexturePack02.esp ActiveHighResTexturePack03.esp ActiveUnofficial Skyrim Patch.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp ActiveUnofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp ActiveChesko_Frostfall.esp ActiveBetter Dynamic Snow.esp ActiveBWS.esp ActiveImproved Combat Sounds v2.2.esp ActiveLIAT - Sounds.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 43 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.mintylightningmod.esp Activefantasy music overhaul.esp Activefantasy music overhaul - no vanilla music.esp Activefantasy music overhaul - unique town music.esp ActiveStaticMeshImprovementMod.esp ActiveStaticMeshImprovementMod-DragonbornTernFix.esp ActiveBirdsofskyrim.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 32 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Chesko_WearableLantern.esp ActiveDead Body Collision.esp ActiveDual Sheath Redux.esp ActiveRequires: Java Runtime Environment 7 update 17+genpeople.esp ActiveImmersive Battles.esp ActiveImmersive Brigands.esp ActiveImmersive Dawnguard.esp ActiveImmersive Factions.esp ActiveImmersive Mercenaries.esp ActiveImmersive Patrols.esp ActiveImmersive Travelers.esp ActiveImmersive Werewolves.esp ActiveLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - lvl-1.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One esp.Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - default.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One esp.Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - lvl-3.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One esp.Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - lvl-4.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One esp.Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - lvl-2.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One esp.LIAT - NPCs.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 3 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Moss Rocks.esp ActivePoint The Way.esp ActiveSleepingDangers-SandsofTime.esp ActiveSkyrim Immersive Creatures.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}Note: That users of versions below 5.1.1 should also include the Relev tag.Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 1 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.TravellersOfSkyrim - Vanilla.esp ActiveTravellersOfSkyrim - Dragonborn Addon.esp ActiveConvenient Horses.esp ActiveDYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp ActiveNote: Make sure you have not switched DoF off in your ini file. If you don't see any effect, open you Skyrimprefs.ini and look for 'bDoDepthOfField'. Make sure it is set to 1.WetandCold.esp ActiveWetandCold - Ashes.esp ActiveSkyUI.esp ActiveiHUD.esp Activehothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Contains dirty edits: 7 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Dr_Bandolier.esp ActiveDeadlyDragons.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}SkyRe_Main.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev, Delev}}Requires: Skyrim -Community- Uncapper for full perk functionalNote: If lockpicikng is not work then try to delete 'interface\lockpickingmenu.swf'Note: If you have a problem with aiming try to install this mod.Note: To make aiming easier, recommend to add the following lines to Skyrim.ini:Note: [Actor]Note: fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=12288.0000Note: [Combat]Note: f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64Note: f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64Note: fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult=0.0Note: fMagnetismLookingMult=0.0SkyRe_Survivalism.esp ActiveAdalMatar.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 17 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Note: V1.1+: This file contains 3 deleted NavMesh records that TES5Edit cannot repair automatically, and which are reported by the mod author to be harmless artifacts from Creation Kit export.BetterDarkBrotherhood.esp ActiveWarning: This file contains 2 deleted NavMesh records that TES5Edit cannot repair automatically and it may cause problems with your game. NavMesh deletions should be reported to the mod author. A guide to repairing NavMesh deletions with TES5Edit is located here.DragonmournInn.esp ActiveWarning: This file contains 4 deleted NavMesh records that TES5Edit cannot repair automatically and it may cause problems with your game. NavMesh deletions should be reported to the mod author. A guide to repairing NavMesh deletions with TES5Edit is located here.tos_granitehall.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 10 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Immersive Events.esp Activemoonpath_questdata.esp ActiveMoreBanditCamps.esp Activequest_pitfighter.esp Activequest_pitfighter_dlc01.esp ActiveRun For Your Lives.esp ActiveWhen Vampires Attack.esp ActiveTheDomain.esp ActiveWarning: This file contains 1 deleted NavMesh record that TES5Edit cannot repair automatically and it may cause problems with your game. NavMesh deletions should be reported to the mod author. A guide to repairing NavMesh deletions with TES5Edit is located here.TheFrontier.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 8 ITM, 1 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Wyrmstooth.esp ActiveGuard Dialogue Overhaul.esp ActiveHeadtracking.esp ActiveImmersive Weapons.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp ActivedD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp ActiveRequires: Skyrim Monster Mod_Compatibility Patch \ Dawnguard and Monster Mod.aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp ActiveHelgen Reborn.esp Activetos_amber_guard.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 36 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.tos_laintardale_hf.esp Activetos_oakwood_hf.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 3 ITM, 3 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.SkyrimSewers.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 4 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.SoundPropagationOverhaul.esp ActiveFootstepsSoundsOverhaul.esp ActiveClimatesOfTamriel-Sound.esp ActiveskyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.esp ActiveRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 18 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.esp ActiveRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.esp ActiveRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 9 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 2 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp ActiveClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp ActiveSoS - The Dungeons-PatchSPO.esp ActiveSoS - The Dungeons-PatchRLODungeons.esp ActiveSoS - The Dungeons-PatchRLOMajorCityInteriors.esp ActiveSoS - The Wilds-PatchSPO.esp ActiveSoS - The Wilds-PatchCoT.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds and CoT patch.SoS - The Wilds-PatchCoTSounds.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds and CoT patch.SoS - Civilization-PatchSPO.esp ActiveSoS - Civilization-PatchRLOMajorCityInteriors.esp ActiveSoS - Civilization-PatchRLOMinorCities.esp ActiveSoS - Civilization -PatchCoTSounds.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization and CoT patch.SoS - Civilization-PatchCoT.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization and CoT patch.dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp ActiveNote: Ragdolls will conflict with other mods that change the skeleton.nif. Check Custom Skeleton Replacers for compatibly with other skeleton.nif.Brevi_MoonlightTales.esp ActiveApocalypse - The Spell Package.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 11 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.BFSEffects.esp ActiveDeadlySpellImpacts.esp ActiveMagicDuelReborn - Shouts.esp ActiveDuel - Combat Realism.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 2 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Note: Obsolete. Update to the latest version.Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Dual Wield Parrying*.espDodge Mod.esp ActiveDragonCombatOverhaul.esp ActiveDragonCombatOverhaulDragonborn.esp ActiveLocational Damage.esp ActiveThe Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 1 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.ABT - Loot Arrows +100%.espABT - Merchants Arrows +100%.espABT - Increased Bolts Damage (Vanilla) +150%.esp ActiveABT - Increased Progressive Damage (Vanilla) +150%.esp ActiveABT - Recover +50% Arrows and Bolts.esp ActiveGDO_Plugin_SkyRe.esp ActivedD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp ActiveBeards.esp ActiveBrows.esp Active3DNPC.esp ActiveHothFollower.esp ActiveCompanionValfar.esp ActiveCerwidenCompanion.esp ActiveEMCompViljaSkyrim.esp ActiveEMViljaInSolstheimAddOn.esp ActivemoveitLWT.espAmazingFollowerTweaks.esp ActiveAlternate Start - Live Another Life.esp ActivegetSnowy.esp ActiveWATER.esp ActiveWATER Plants.esp ActiveWATER DB Waves.esp ActiveBashed Patch, 0.esp ActiveAutomatic Variants.esp ActiveASIS-Dependency.esp ActiveASIS.esp ActiveSkyrim.esm ActiveUpdate.esm ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Contains dirty edits: 92 ITM, 3 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Dawnguard.esm ActiveContains dirty edits: 607 ITM, 82 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}HearthFires.esm ActiveContains dirty edits: 171 ITM, 11 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Dragonborn.esm ActiveContains dirty edits: 57 ITM, 8 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.ClimatesOfTamriel.esm ActiveLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm ActiveMagicDuelReborn.esm Activemoonpath.esm ActiveSkyMoMod.esm ActiveSPIKE.esm ActiveTravellersOfSkyrim.esm ActiveSoS - The Dungeons.esp ActiveSoS - The Wilds.esp ActiveSoS - Civilization.esp ActiveHighResTexturePack01.esp ActiveHighResTexturePack02.esp ActiveHighResTexturePack03.esp ActiveUnofficial Skyrim Patch.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp ActiveUnofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp ActiveChesko_Frostfall.esp ActiveBetter Dynamic Snow.esp ActiveBWS.esp ActiveImproved Combat Sounds v2.2.esp ActiveLIAT - Sounds.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 43 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.mintylightningmod.esp Activefantasy music overhaul.esp Activefantasy music overhaul - no vanilla music.esp Activefantasy music overhaul - unique town music.esp ActiveStaticMeshImprovementMod.esp ActiveStaticMeshImprovementMod-DragonbornTernFix.esp ActiveBirdsofskyrim.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 32 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Chesko_WearableLantern.esp ActiveDead Body Collision.esp ActiveDual Sheath Redux.esp ActiveRequires: Java Runtime Environment 7 update 17+genpeople.esp ActiveImmersive Battles.esp ActiveImmersive Brigands.esp ActiveImmersive Dawnguard.esp ActiveImmersive Factions.esp ActiveImmersive Mercenaries.esp ActiveImmersive Patrols.esp ActiveImmersive Travelers.esp ActiveImmersive Werewolves.esp ActiveLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - lvl-1.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One esp.Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - default.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One esp.Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - lvl-3.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One esp.Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - lvl-4.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One esp.Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - lvl-2.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One esp.LIAT - NPCs.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 3 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Moss Rocks.esp ActivePoint The Way.esp ActiveSleepingDangers-SandsofTime.esp ActiveSkyrim Immersive Creatures.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}Note: That users of versions below 5.1.1 should also include the Relev tag.Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 1 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.TravellersOfSkyrim - Vanilla.esp ActiveTravellersOfSkyrim - Dragonborn Addon.esp ActiveConvenient Horses.esp ActiveDYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp ActiveNote: Make sure you have not switched DoF off in your ini file. If you don't see any effect, open you Skyrimprefs.ini and look for 'bDoDepthOfField'. Make sure it is set to 1.WetandCold.esp ActiveWetandCold - Ashes.esp ActiveSkyUI.esp ActiveiHUD.esp Activehothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Contains dirty edits: 7 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Dr_Bandolier.esp ActiveDeadlyDragons.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}SkyRe_Main.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev, Delev}}Requires: Skyrim -Community- Uncapper for full perk functionalNote: If lockpicikng is not work then try to delete 'interface\lockpickingmenu.swf'Note: If you have a problem with aiming try to install this mod.Note: To make aiming easier, recommend to add the following lines to Skyrim.ini:Note: [Actor]Note: fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=12288.0000Note: [Combat]Note: f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64Note: f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64Note: fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult=0.0Note: fMagnetismLookingMult=0.0SkyRe_Survivalism.esp ActiveAdalMatar.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 17 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Note: V1.1+: This file contains 3 deleted NavMesh records that TES5Edit cannot repair automatically, and which are reported by the mod author to be harmless artifacts from Creation Kit export.BetterDarkBrotherhood.esp ActiveWarning: This file contains 2 deleted NavMesh records that TES5Edit cannot repair automatically and it may cause problems with your game. NavMesh deletions should be reported to the mod author. A guide to repairing NavMesh deletions with TES5Edit is located here.DragonmournInn.esp ActiveWarning: This file contains 4 deleted NavMesh records that TES5Edit cannot repair automatically and it may cause problems with your game. NavMesh deletions should be reported to the mod author. A guide to repairing NavMesh deletions with TES5Edit is located here.tos_granitehall.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 10 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Immersive Events.esp Activemoonpath_questdata.esp ActiveMoreBanditCamps.esp Activequest_pitfighter.esp Activequest_pitfighter_dlc01.esp ActiveRun For Your Lives.esp ActiveWhen Vampires Attack.esp ActiveTheDomain.esp ActiveWarning: This file contains 1 deleted NavMesh record that TES5Edit cannot repair automatically and it may cause problems with your game. NavMesh deletions should be reported to the mod author. A guide to repairing NavMesh deletions with TES5Edit is located here.TheFrontier.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 8 ITM, 1 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Wyrmstooth.esp ActiveGuard Dialogue Overhaul.esp ActiveHeadtracking.esp ActiveImmersive Weapons.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}SkyTEST-RealisticAnimals&Predators.esp ActivedD - Enhanced Blood Main.esp ActiveRequires: Skyrim Monster Mod_Compatibility Patch \ Dawnguard and Monster Mod.aMidianborn_Skyforge_Weapons.esp ActiveHelgen Reborn.esp Activetos_amber_guard.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 36 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.tos_laintardale_hf.esp Activetos_oakwood_hf.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 3 ITM, 3 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.SkyrimSewers.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 4 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.SoundPropagationOverhaul.esp ActiveFootstepsSoundsOverhaul.esp ActiveClimatesOfTamriel-Sound.esp ActiveskyBirds - Airborne Perching Birds.esp ActiveRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Dungeons.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 18 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Dawnguard Interiors.esp ActiveRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Exteriors.esp ActiveRealistic Lighting Overhaul - Major City Interiors.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 9 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Realistic Lighting Overhaul - Minor Cities and Town Interiors.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 2 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.ClimatesOfTamriel-Dawnguard-Patch.esp ActiveClimatesOfTamriel-Dragonborn-Patch.esp ActiveSoS - The Dungeons-PatchSPO.esp ActiveSoS - The Dungeons-PatchRLODungeons.esp ActiveSoS - The Dungeons-PatchRLOMajorCityInteriors.esp ActiveSoS - The Wilds-PatchSPO.esp ActiveSoS - The Wilds-PatchCoT.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds and CoT patch.SoS - The Wilds-PatchCoTSounds.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds and CoT patch.SoS - Civilization-PatchSPO.esp ActiveSoS - Civilization-PatchRLOMajorCityInteriors.esp ActiveSoS - Civilization-PatchRLOMinorCities.esp ActiveSoS - Civilization -PatchCoTSounds.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization and CoT patch.SoS - Civilization-PatchCoT.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization and CoT patch.dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp ActiveNote: Ragdolls will conflict with other mods that change the skeleton.nif. Check Custom Skeleton Replacers for compatibly with other skeleton.nif.Brevi_MoonlightTales.esp ActiveApocalypse - The Spell Package.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 11 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.BFSEffects.esp ActiveDeadlySpellImpacts.esp ActiveMagicDuelReborn - Shouts.esp ActiveDuel - Combat Realism.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 2 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Note: Obsolete. Update to the latest version.Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Dual Wield Parrying*.espDodge Mod.esp ActiveDragonCombatOverhaul.esp ActiveDragonCombatOverhaulDragonborn.esp ActiveLocational Damage.esp ActiveThe Dance of Death - Ultimate Edition.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 1 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.ABT - Loot Arrows +100%.espABT - Merchants Arrows +100%.espABT - Increased Bolts Damage (Vanilla) +150%.esp ActiveABT - Increased Progressive Damage (Vanilla) +150%.esp ActiveABT - Recover +50% Arrows and Bolts.esp ActiveGDO_Plugin_SkyRe.esp ActivedD-No Spinning Death Animation.esp ActiveBeards.esp ActiveBrows.esp Active3DNPC.esp ActiveHothFollower.esp ActiveCompanionValfar.esp ActiveCerwidenCompanion.esp ActiveEMCompViljaSkyrim.esp ActiveEMViljaInSolstheimAddOn.esp ActivemoveitLWT.espAmazingFollowerTweaks.esp ActiveAlternate Start - Live Another Life.esp ActivegetSnowy.esp ActiveWATER.esp ActiveWATER Plants.esp ActiveWATER DB Waves.esp ActiveBashed Patch, 0.esp ActiveAutomatic Variants.esp ActiveASIS-Dependency.esp ActiveASIS.esp ActiveSkyrim.esm ActiveUpdate.esm ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Contains dirty edits: 92 ITM, 3 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Dawnguard.esm ActiveContains dirty edits: 607 ITM, 82 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Bash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}HearthFires.esm ActiveContains dirty edits: 171 ITM, 11 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Dragonborn.esm ActiveContains dirty edits: 57 ITM, 8 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.ClimatesOfTamriel.esm ActiveLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Main.esm ActiveMagicDuelReborn.esm Activemoonpath.esm ActiveSkyMoMod.esm ActiveSPIKE.esm ActiveTravellersOfSkyrim.esm ActiveSoS - The Dungeons.esp ActiveSoS - The Wilds.esp ActiveSoS - Civilization.esp ActiveHighResTexturePack01.esp ActiveHighResTexturePack02.esp ActiveHighResTexturePack03.esp ActiveUnofficial Skyrim Patch.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp ActiveUnofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}Unofficial High Resolution Patch.esp ActiveChesko_Frostfall.esp ActiveBetter Dynamic Snow.esp ActiveBWS.esp ActiveImproved Combat Sounds v2.2.esp ActiveLIAT - Sounds.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 43 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.mintylightningmod.esp Activefantasy music overhaul.esp Activefantasy music overhaul - no vanilla music.esp Activefantasy music overhaul - unique town music.esp ActiveStaticMeshImprovementMod.esp ActiveStaticMeshImprovementMod-DragonbornTernFix.esp ActiveBirdsofskyrim.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 32 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Chesko_WearableLantern.esp ActiveDead Body Collision.esp ActiveDual Sheath Redux.esp ActiveRequires: Java Runtime Environment 7 update 17+genpeople.esp ActiveImmersive Battles.esp ActiveImmersive Brigands.esp ActiveImmersive Dawnguard.esp ActiveImmersive Factions.esp ActiveImmersive Mercenaries.esp ActiveImmersive Patrols.esp ActiveImmersive Travelers.esp ActiveImmersive Werewolves.esp ActiveLanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - lvl-1.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One esp.Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - default.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One esp.Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - lvl-3.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One esp.Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - lvl-4.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One esp.Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One - Climates of Tamriel - lvl-2.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Lanterns Of Skyrim - All In One esp.LIAT - NPCs.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 3 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Moss Rocks.esp ActivePoint The Way.esp ActiveSleepingDangers-SandsofTime.esp ActiveSkyrim Immersive Creatures.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev}}Note: That users of versions below 5.1.1 should also include the Relev tag.Skyrim Immersive Creatures - DLC2.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Skyrim Flora Overhaul.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 1 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.TravellersOfSkyrim - Vanilla.esp ActiveTravellersOfSkyrim - Dragonborn Addon.esp ActiveConvenient Horses.esp ActiveDYNAVISION Dynamic Depth of Field.esp ActiveNote: Make sure you have not switched DoF off in your ini file. If you don't see any effect, open you Skyrimprefs.ini and look for 'bDoDepthOfField'. Make sure it is set to 1.WetandCold.esp ActiveWetandCold - Ashes.esp ActiveSkyUI.esp ActiveiHUD.esp Activehothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}Contains dirty edits: 7 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Dr_Bandolier.esp ActiveDeadlyDragons.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Delev, Relev}}SkyRe_Main.esp ActiveBash Tag suggestion(s): {{BASH: Relev, Delev}}Requires: Skyrim -Community- Uncapper for full perk functionalNote: If lockpicikng is not work then try to delete 'interface\lockpickingmenu.swf'Note: If you have a problem with aiming try to install this mod.Note: To make aiming easier, recommend to add the following lines to Skyrim.ini:Note: [Actor]Note: fVisibleNavmeshMoveDist=12288.0000Note: [Combat]Note: f1PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64Note: f3PArrowTiltUpAngle=0.64Note: fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult=0.0Note: fMagnetismLookingMult=0.0SkyRe_Survivalism.esp ActiveAdalMatar.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 17 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Note: V1.1+: This file contains 3 deleted NavMesh records that TES5Edit cannot repair automatically, and which are reported by the mod author to be harmless artifacts from Creation Kit export.BetterDarkBrotherhood.esp ActiveWarning: This file contains 2 deleted NavMesh records that TES5Edit cannot repair automatically and it may cause problems with your game. NavMesh deletions should be reported to the mod author. A guide to repairing NavMesh deletions with TES5Edit is located here.DragonmournInn.esp ActiveWarning: This file contains 4 deleted NavMesh records that TES5Edit cannot repair automatically and it may cause problems with your game. NavMesh deletionNotes(Note's on warning's:Latest version of Java,Don't exactly understand, 'use only one Lantern's of Skyrim.' I only have the LoS Climate's of Tamriel patch. So unsure whether i'm only supposed to use the patch or one within it!Have latest version of Skyrim Immersive CreaturesCheck INI file yourself for Dynavision, but hasn't been edited. CheckedHave not edited SkyRe_Main yet since it's not game crashing and I have not come with a final mod set up yet.MadFrenchie has stated in all four of his quest mod's that the NavMesh delete's are fine and unable to be fixed. Since he just uploaded on the Nexus, Boss has only recognized it with one. These are big on the Workshop though. Applie's to AdalMatar, TheDomain, and DragonMournInnAs for BetterDarkBrotherhood.esp,"I would not clean the mod with TES5Edit. I have already done some cleaning on that end to remove legit 'dirty changes' (changes i did not intend to make)Doing a TES5Edit 'automatic' cleaning to remove all ITM records causes a crash-to-desktop as reported by other users.In all honesty there is more cleaning I could do, but I am very reluctant since any changes can introduce bugs/crashes. If there is a specific edit you feel I need to revert in order to prevent bugs/issues for other players, please let me know."I can delete or wait later but in truth, it's unlikely all my crashe's are because of it since it's after the questline and unless nothing spontaneous is happening right when I start to cause it.I have the enhanced blood compatibility with dragonborn, dawnguard, and Monster ModDon't understand the use only one Sound's of Skyrim patch, like earlier.I believe that Realistic Ragdoll, Dual Sheath Redux, and Deadly Mutilation interfere with skeletons. Not sure if all are compatibleCan shelf Oakwood, but I doubt it's the concern of my problem's.) Unrecognized:AesirArmor.esp ActiveImmersive Ivarstead.esp ActiveImmersive Karthwasten.esp ActiveImmersive Kynesgrove.esp ActiveImmersive Falkreath.esp ActiveImmersive Darkwater crossing.esp ActiveImmersive Dawnstar.esp ActiveImmersive Dragon Bridge.esp ActiveImmersive Shors stone.esp ActiveImmersive Stonehills.esp ActiveImmersive Rorikstead.esp ActiveImmersive Morthal.esp ActiveImmersive Orc Strongholds.esp ActiveImmersive Riverwood.esp ActiveDeadlyMutilation.esp ActivedD-DG-DB-MonsterMod EBT Patch.esp ActiveAFTtweak.esp Active 2)Footsteps Sound Overhaul I have. But can't find a plugin for the add on, NoPC. Just overwrite's over the original.True Medieval Tavern MusicBurn Freeze Dawnguard/Dragonborn wrote over the original Burn Freeze Shock EffectsCloser Quivers and Longer Arrow's + Dragonborn for Riekling SpearsDeadly Mutilation Core + Meshes + Update + Skeletons PackSparrowShooter's Moss Rock's, Enhanced Distant terrain, Lush Trees and Grass + LOD Texture Depth, and Vibrant AurorasBandolier + Mesh Fix Automatic Variants Bellyaches, insanitySorrow, and Sounaipr AV Packageamiridian book of silence armors, unique items, and weapons with textures for immersive armorsAOF Believable HairHighQualityEyesHigh Res Legible RoadsignsNo More Blocky FacesA quality world mapCategorized Favorites MenuTime on Loading ScreenNo Boring Sleep Wait Menu And WryeBash marked to merge:ABT Loot Arrows, ABT Merchant Arrows, and moveitLWT (From movie it damnit) 3)Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bitIntel Core i7 CPU x980 3.33GHz 12 CPUs, ~3.3GHz16384 MB RAMNVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti2754 MB Total MemoryPage File: 4918MB used, 27827 available 4) The only ini file i've tweaked are:The Papyrus log's from 0 to 1 when I needed them onandiMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=6 that Vurt ask's for Skyrim Flora OverhaulNonetheless:Skyrim[General]sLanguage=ENGLISH uExterior Cell Buffer=36 [Display]fShadowLODMaxStartFade=1000.0fSpecularLODMaxStartFade=2000.0fLightLODMaxStartFade=3500.0iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=2048bAllowScreenshot=1 [Audio]fMusicDuckingSeconds=6.0fMusicUnDuckingSeconds=8.0fMenuModeFadeOutTime=3.0fMenuModeFadeInTime=1.0 [Grass]iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=6bAllowCreateGrass=1bAllowLoadGrass=0 [GeneralWarnings]SGeneralMasterMismatchWarning=One or more plugins could not find the correct versions of the master files they depend on. Errors may occur during load or game play. Check the "Warnings.txt" file for more information. [Archive]sResourceArchiveList=Skyrim - Misc.bsa, Skyrim - Shaders.bsa, Skyrim - Textures.bsa, Skyrim - Interface.bsa, Skyrim - Animations.bsa, Skyrim - Meshes.bsa, Skyrim - Sounds.bsasResourceArchiveList2=Skyrim - Voices.bsa, Skyrim - VoicesExtra.bsa [Combat]fMagnetismStrafeHeadingMult=0.0fMagnetismLookingMult=0.0 [Papyrus]fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS=500.0bEnableLogging=1bEnableTrace=1bLoadDebugInformation=1[Water]bReflectLODObjects=1bReflectLODLand=1bReflectSky=1bReflectLODTrees=1 SkyrimPrefs:[General]fBrightLightColorB=1.0000fBrightLightColorG=1.0000fBrightLightColorR=1.0000iStoryManagerLoggingEvent=-1bEnableStoryManagerLogging=0[imagespace]bDoDepthOfField=1iRadialBlurLevel=2[Display]iBlurDeferredShadowMask=1fInteriorShadowDistance=3000.0000fShadowDistance=2500iShadowMapResolutionSecondary=1024iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=2048iShadowSplitCount=2iMaxAnisotropy=8fLeafAnimDampenDistEnd=4600.0000fLeafAnimDampenDistStart=3600.0000fTreesMidLODSwitchDist=3600fGamma=1.0000fDecalLOD2=1500.0000fDecalLOD1=1000.0000fSpecularLODStartFade=2000fShadowLODStartFade=200.0000fLightLODStartFade=3500iTexMipMapMinimum=0iTexMipMapSkip=0iWaterMultiSamples=0iMultiSample=1iShadowMode=3bTreesReceiveShadows=0bDrawLandShadows=0bFull Screen=1iSize H=1200iSize W=1920fMeshLODFadePercentDefault=1.2000fMeshLODFadeBoundDefault=256.0000fMeshLODLevel2FadeTreeDistance=2048.0000fMeshLODLevel1FadeTreeDistance=2844.0000fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist=1e+007fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist=1e+007iScreenShotIndex=2bShadowMaskZPrepass=0bMainZPrepass=0iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame=25iMaxDecalsPerFrame=100bFloatPointRenderTarget=0sD3DDevice="NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 Ti"bFXAAEnabled=0iShadowMapResolution=1024fShadowBiasScale=0.3iShadowMaskQuarter=3iAdapter=0iPresentInterval=1iShadowFilter=3bShadowsOnGrass=1bTransparencyMultisampling=0bDeferredShadows=1bDrawShadows=1[Grass]iMaxGrassTypesPerTexure=6b30GrassVS=0fGrassStartFadeDistance=7000fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance=7000.0000fGrassMinStartFadeDistance=0.0000[MAIN]bGamepadEnable=1bCrosshairEnabled=1fHUDOpacity=1.0000bSaveOnPause=1bSaveOnTravel=1bSaveOnWait=1bSaveOnRest=1fSkyCellRefFadeDistance=150000.0000[GamePlay]bShowFloatingQuestMarkers=1bShowQuestMarkers=1iDifficulty=1[interface]bDialogueSubtitles=1bGeneralSubtitles=1fMouseCursorSpeed=1.0000bShowCompass=1[Controls]fGamepadHeadingSensitivity=2.7250fMouseHeadingSensitivity=0.0125bAlwaysRunByDefault=1bInvertYValues=0bGamePadRumble=1bMouseAcceleration=1bUseKinect=0[Particles]iMaxDesired=750[saveGame]fAutosaveEveryXMins=15.0000[AudioMenu]fAudioMasterVolume=1.0000fVal7=1.0000uID7=1661025043fVal6=1.0000uID6=3954fVal5=1.0000uID5=410705fVal4=1.0000uID4=992187fVal3=1.0000uID3=94881fVal2=0.4000uID2=466532fVal1=1.0000uID1=554685fVal0=0.8000uID0=1007612[Clouds]fCloudLevel2Distance=262144.0000fCloudLevel1Distance=32768.0000fCloudLevel0Distance=16384.0000fCloudNearFadeDistance=9000.0000[TerrainManager]fTreeLoadDistance=75000fBlockMaximumDistance=250000fBlockLevel1Distance=70000fBlockLevel0Distance=35000fSplitDistanceMult=1.5bShowLODInEditor=0[NavMesh]fObstacleAlpha=0.5000fCoverSideHighAlpha=0.8000fCoverSideLowAlpha=0.6500fEdgeFullAlpha=1.0000fEdgeHighAlpha=0.7500fEdgeLowAlpha=0.5000fTriangleFullAlpha=0.7000fTriangleHighAlpha=0.3500fTriangleLowAlpha=0.2000fLedgeBoxHalfHeight=25.0000fEdgeDistFromVert=10.0000fEdgeThickness=10.0000fPointSize=2.5000[Trees]bRenderSkinnedTrees=1uiMaxSkinnedTreesToRender=20[Decals]uMaxDecals=1000bDecals=1bSkinnedDecals=1uMaxSkinDecals=100uMaxSkinDecalsPerActor=60[LOD]fLODFadeOutMultObjects=15fLODFadeOutMultItems=15fLODFadeOutMultActors=15fLODFadeOutMultSkyCell=1.0000[Launcher]bEnableFileSelection=1bShowAllResolutions=1uLastAspectRatio=4[blurShaderHDR]bDoHighDynamicRange=1[blurShader]bUseBlurShader=0[Water]iWaterReflectHeight=512iWaterReflectWidth=512bUseWaterDisplacements=1bUseWaterRefractions=1bUseWaterReflections=1bUseWaterDepth=1 On a final note I have Asis with a blocked list on just about everything but the main game components and SkyMoMod. It only has a +0,+1,+2 spawn, so no extreme spawning Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ripple Posted May 18, 2013 Share Posted May 18, 2013 (edited) I think you copied/pasted the BOSS log twice. At least, that's what it looks like. I was looking at it wondering how BOSS could be loading ESM's after ESP's when I realized it. 1) Cleaning: download TE5Edit from the link in your BOSS log, follow the instruction on the page, and clean the plugins flagged by BOSS as containing 'dirty edits' (including the DLC and update ESM's). You'll need to remove identical to master entries as well as undelete/disable deleted references. 2) Maintenance: go through the BOSS log carefully and look for error messages, such as this: Duel - Combat Realism.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 2 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Note: Obsolete. Update to the latest version And... SoS - The Wilds-PatchSPO.esp ActiveSoS - The Wilds-PatchCoT.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds and CoT patch.SoS - The Wilds-PatchCoTSounds.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds and CoT patch.SoS - Civilization-PatchSPO.esp ActiveSoS - Civilization-PatchRLOMajorCityInteriors.esp ActiveSoS - Civilization-PatchRLOMinorCities.esp ActiveSoS - Civilization -PatchCoTSounds.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization and CoT patch.SoS - Civilization-PatchCoT.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization and CoT patch.Read the install instructions -very carefully-. Here it looks like you are using multiple compatibility patches for those mods. These are just a few of the errors, so go through the entire log yourself and attend to every error message you see. Once you have resolved the error, you can run BOSS again to double check to make sure and it should no longer output those error messages. While you are at it, uninstall all the mods associated with plugins that are indicated by BOSS as containing 'navmesh errors.' I've never used any of those mods, so I've never actually 'looked under the hood' to see if those mods actually delete portions of default game navmesh or just edit them. Regardless, the safest thing is to remove them (because navmesh errors can cause CTDs). Uninstall them using whatever mod manager you used to install them, as to make sure the plugins as well as any resource files are removed. 3) Rogue mods: the plugins not recognized by BOSS, every time you run BOSS, they go to the bottom of the load order and override conflicting records of other plugins in your load order that are loaded earlier. They need to have their load order positions adjusted manually. The best way to determine where they should load to best 'optimize' the stability of the load order is to load them all up in TES5Edit, and check them individually to see if there are conflicting records. If there are no conflicts, then they can be safely loaded any where above your compatibility patches (e.g. Bashed Patch, ReProccer). Otherwise, you will need to decide, base on which records are conflicting, who should 'win' the contest of conflicts and adjust their load order accordingly. Alternatively, if you do not consider them 'essential mods', you can just uninstall them, so you don't need to deal with the aggravation (remember that you will need to rebuild your compatibility patches every time you install/uninstall a plugin). In fact, I am betting those 'Immersive settlements' plugins are full of UDR errors (because almost every single 'let's edit this city...' mod I've checked out are by people who just go into the CK and start deleting stuff without cleaning the plugins using TES5Edit afterwards, because they don't understand the repercussions). 4) Can you provide more details about the CTDs? Are they completely random, reproducible, mostly outdoors or in interior cells, with followers, during combat, anything that would suggest a 'pattern' that will help narrow down the culprits. Edited May 18, 2013 by ripple Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EkehMayu Posted May 18, 2013 Author Share Posted May 18, 2013 I think you copied/pasted the BOSS log twice. At least, that's what it looks like. I was looking at it wondering how BOSS could be loading ESM's after ESP's when I realized it. 1) Cleaning: download TE5Edit from the link in your BOSS log, follow the instruction on the page, and clean the plugins flagged by BOSS as containing 'dirty edits' (including the DLC and update ESM's). You'll need to remove identical to master entries as well as undelete/disable deleted references. 2) Maintenance: go through the BOSS log carefully and look for error messages, such as this: Duel - Combat Realism.esp ActiveContains dirty edits: 2 ITM, 0 UDR records. Needs TES5Edit cleaning. A cleaning guide is available here.Note: Obsolete. Update to the latest version And... >SoS - The Wilds-PatchSPO.esp ActiveSoS - The Wilds-PatchCoT.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds and CoT patch.SoS - The Wilds-PatchCoTSounds.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Sounds of Skyrim - The Wilds and CoT patch.SoS - Civilization-PatchSPO.esp ActiveSoS - Civilization-PatchRLOMajorCityInteriors.esp ActiveSoS - Civilization-PatchRLOMinorCities.esp ActiveSoS - Civilization -PatchCoTSounds.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization and CoT patch.SoS - Civilization-PatchCoT.esp ActiveNote: Use only one Sounds of Skyrim - Civilization and CoT patch.Read the install instructions -very carefully-. Here it looks like you are using multiple compatibility patches for those mods. These are just a few of the errors, so go through the entire log yourself and attend to every error message you see. Once you have resolved the error, you can run BOSS again to double check to make sure and it should no longer output those error messages. While you are at it, uninstall all the mods associated with plugins that are indicated by BOSS as containing 'navmesh errors.' I've never used any of those mods, so I've never actually 'looked under the hood' to see if those mods actually delete portions of default game navmesh or just edit them. Regardless, the safest thing is to remove them (because navmesh errors can cause CTDs). Uninstall them using whatever mod manager you used to install them, as to make sure the plugins as well as any resource files are removed. 3) Rogue mods: the plugins not recognized by BOSS, every time you run BOSS, they go to the bottom of the load order and override conflicting records of other plugins in your load order that are loaded earlier. They need to have their load order positions adjusted manually. The best way to determine where they should load to best 'optimize' the stability of the load order is to load them all up in TES5Edit, and check them individually to see if there are conflicting records. If there are no conflicts, then they can be safely loaded any where above your compatibility patches (e.g. Bashed Patch, ReProccer). Otherwise, you will need to decide, base on which records are conflicting, who should 'win' the contest of conflicts and adjust their load order accordingly. Alternatively, if you do not consider them 'essential mods', you can just uninstall them, so you don't need to deal with the aggravation (remember that you will need to rebuild your compatibility patches every time you install/uninstall a plugin). In fact, I am betting those 'Immersive settlements' plugins are full of UDR errors (because almost every single 'let's edit this city...' mod I've checked out are by people who just go into the CK and start deleting stuff without cleaning the plugins using TES5Edit afterwards, because they don't understand the repercussions). 4) Can you provide more details about the CTDs? Are they completely random, reproducible, mostly outdoors or in interior cells, with followers, during combat, anything that would suggest a 'pattern' that will help narrow down the culprits. Crash 1:1 minute in. Start at Windhelm dock's. Swam across, run up to where gate's are. No stutter, CTD.Last Line:FrostEnchantmentEffect on script DM_CutHuman attached to Active effect 1 on (28007F16) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property Crash 2:Start out at Falkreath hold. Exit city, paused game for about 30 minute's. Came back and fought monsters from both Skymomod and Skyrim Immersive. Only one split second sputter other than that butter smooth.After about 50 minute's total, game froze as I was runningLast Line of Log[05/17/2013 - 09:39:27PM] warning: Property luck on script DM_CutHuman attached to Active effect 1 on (FF001F9A) cannot be initialized because the script no longer contains that property. Related to Deadly Mutilation. Although crashed running. Seeing as the log before that also had that related, seeing it was a running script; I turn off the mod Crash 3:Start around oasis. Again I run around killing. PassDarkwater Crossing. Only had one split second stutter. A lot going on and running butter smooth. Ran on horse. Chasing girl, crashTotal about 20 minute'sFinal text: [ (000856E4)].lvlpredatorscript.OnCellLoad() - "LvlPredatorScript.psc" Line 26[05/17/2013 - 10:12:58PM] Error: (000856E3): cannot enable an object with an enable state parent.stack:[ (000856E3)].lvlpredatorscript.Enable() - "<native>" Line ?[ (000856E3)].lvlpredatorscript.OnCellLoad() - "LvlPredatorScript.psc" Line 26 Not going inside much I understand and respect how you're not an under the table modder. But i'd like to see if I can make my set up work before going cyber delete.In other word's, i'm trying very hard to widdle down one mod at a time seeing if it's a problem, by pattern, crash, incompatibility, or log. Hardly any of the mod's I have have not been catered to and cleaned, edited, redone many a time. Deductive instead of inductive, one at a time. It's worked really well so far. I have a list of mod's I could do without, and i'll probably annihilate them if it come's to that.But again, for now I want to see if I can bash patch, find dud mod's, and clean script's/extra doo dad's before.\ I've removed immersive settlement's and Aesir armour, so the only unrecognized plugins are actually patche's (2) I'll try TESediting and potentially tomorrow try a run without any harmful/essential mod's to see if it fix's anything.In the meantime, if anyone else see's a problem, a main indicator, please make a pointer as to the specific culprit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ripple Posted May 18, 2013 Share Posted May 18, 2013 (edited) While the papyrus log can sometimes (actually, rarely) yield some useful information when bug tracking, it's not a 'crash log' per se, so don't read it as such. And if you really want us to look through the papyrus log, you need to include the full log, and not just the last line before your CTDs (which are not indicators of which mods might be responsible). You said you have cleaned the plugins in your load order? But the BOSS log indicates otherwise. You can look at it and see numerous 'need cleaning' messages. If the plugins had been cleaned, those messages would no longer show up in your BOSS log. So perhaps they weren't cleaned 'correctly', in which case I recommend you check the step by step instructions again and also make sure you don't accidentally miss any of the plugins flagged by BOSS as in need of cleaning. You don't need to uninstall anything (yet), except any duplicate compatibility patches or incorrect versions of mods noted in the BOSS log (for obvious reasons). I highly recommend you uninstall the mods BOSS has identified as containing 'deleted navmesh' (which is what...3, 4 mods, out of your entire load order?). You can try to 'repair' them, but really, it's not worth it. I've worked with navmesh since FO3, and I can assure you that navmesh errors can produce some very serious issues with regards to game stability--and there is nothing that can't be compromised for the sake of game stability. If you can't play a few hours without some random CTDs, the game wouldn't be fun no matter how many great mods you have installed. Edited May 18, 2013 by ripple Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EkehMayu Posted May 18, 2013 Author Share Posted May 18, 2013 (edited) I meant the mod author's have made sure the mod's are CTD free as possible, not me. Nonetheless, i've cleaned or shelfed all the mods with Navmesh and ITMs. Still getting CTD's. I left Skyrim DLC that has a terrible record of ITM's and UDR's untouched.I've looked around as well but I just don't understand.I don't get if the the unnoficial patche's are meant to deal with these dirty edit's or if they're separate bug's. Will cleaning them affect the mod's? Edit:I've noticed most modder's place an importance in one section of mod's: Visual, combat, etcetera...Mine is in an immersive NPC experience (then sound). It's the one i'm unwilling to budge for.So i've been reading up and noticed possible incompatibilities between:Skyrim Immersive Creature's and SkyTest. Having possible issue's with one another Automatic Variant's, Sand's of Time. Probably causing a flat incompatibility and GPU overload. Will contemplate shelfing to see if problem's fixed. Edited May 18, 2013 by EkehMayu Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cait833 Posted May 18, 2013 Share Posted May 18, 2013 (edited) It's fine to clean the update and DLC. The patches deal with actual bugs and inconsistencies in the game itself and have already been cleaned. Also, do not clean Skyrim - it's dirty as hell, but it's held together with string and paperclips, and possibly some old chewing gum. Sands of Time, Immersive Creatures and SkyTEST all add creature spawns, however, there is an AI only version of SkyTEST in the optional files of the mod page, but you would probably have to pick between sands of time and immersive creatures. Automatic variants should not cause any issues though since all it does is randomise textures. Edited May 18, 2013 by Cait833 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EkehMayu Posted May 18, 2013 Author Share Posted May 18, 2013 It's fine to clean the update and DLC. The patches deal with actual bugs and inconsistencies in the game itself and have already been cleaned. Also, do not clean Skyrim - it's dirty as hell, but it's held together with string and paperclips, and possibly some old chewing gum. Sands of Time, Immersive Creatures and SkyTEST all add creature spawns, however, there is an AI only version of SkyTEST in the optional files of the mod page, but you would probably have to pick between sands of time and immersive creatures. Automatic variants should not cause any issues though since all it does is randomise textures. Will get the brush and broom out again for cleaning.Game is running smoother but still crashing every 45 min. I'll try the SkyTest AI. Thank you most excellently for the find. Going to try without Immersive Creature's since it's meshed together by a bunch of mod's that could have outdated script's. I've noticed a few case's of standitis and have Monster Mod and Immersive Patrols instead. Ripple thank you for your strict approach to cleaning. It provide's a ultimatum to the stubborness people like me have with keeping mod's. Cait thank you for the tip and reccomendation. I'll see what happen's and follow up. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EkehMayu Posted May 19, 2013 Author Share Posted May 19, 2013 Cleaned mod's, removed Immersive Skyrim Creature's, and cleaned all mod's. Still getting CTD's about the same pace I have to say, I only use ASIS for increased spawn. I absolutely love it, and it has to be my favorite mod because i'm stubborn as a mule to rid myself of it. I have just about everything on the exclusion list except the Unnofficial patche's, the proc patche's and Skyrim/DLC. The respawn rat'es are either none or +1, but I have a feeling the mod is causing some massive spawn the dev's added. I mean i've seen my daughter willy nilly download mod's and having a clean setup. So I either have to be maxing out my GPU or have a mod stinker It could be one of three thing's 1) The combination of Vurt's Flora Overhaul and Lush Tree's 2) ASIS being still in a Beta causing some ungodly hiccup crash 3)Automatic Variant's causing slowdown Again, I have a 660 Ti, and i've found people with far worse system's running their game's with more. I don't even have AA on and shadow's are on medium. If not these, then I am once again stumped. Or I need a better GFX card Update: CTD's. I don't know what to say. Occasional sputter and crashe's but other than that butter smooth performance. I'm retiring for the night, and i'm afraid that I don't feel i'm getting closer to finding the issue. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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