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CK Help With Item Recipes


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OK so here;s what I'm trying to do (and I've done it before which is why it's so frustrating)...


I'm trying to modify my game based on Morrowloot (a mod no longer in work for a while). All I'm doing is making weapons/armor higher than steel/scaled uncraftable. So in order to do this I load the usual (skyrim.esm/update, dawnguard.esm/drgborn) plus Skyre_main.esp because I use skyredone to add WotTE like halberds and glaives, etc...


It worked a few months ago with an older skyrim version (I create a new perk which is unplayable/hidden and then edit each weapon/armor higher than steele/scaled to match condition with this unobtainable perk) so no perk = no ability to craft and voila.


But now after updating skyrim and the CK after a few months it's not working really. Vanilla items like armors and warhammers are still taking affect to the same method above, but all the items I've added through mods (like WotTE weapons through Skyre and armors from immersive armor are still appearing in game even though I've set up an unobtainable condition for them...?


Ohh and then when I reopen the CK after it hasn't worked, I go into the recipes and it's duplicated those WotTE weapons/immersive armors items.


Please if somebody can help this is so frustrating. I'm trying to do a fairly large edit and this should be the most simple part (which Iike I said has even worked before), but for some reason after a few updates it's not allowing me to block out DLC iems from crafting...?


This is my first time posting to the forums because I try to do everything myself, but I've already spent over 2 days trying to fix this simple thing...


Note: I've even tried using another unobtainable condition other than 'HasPerk' ex. GetActorValue - Illusion 777.00 , but still same stuff, Vanilla items don't show up in game like supposed to, but Mod added items do...

Edited by Yessi
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The duplication is a side effect of working with an ESP file as if it were a masterfile without tricking the CK into thinking that it IS a masterfile.


Since you are dealing with a lot of mods, I'll share some pertinent information before sharing with you how to trick the CK via link.


The Creation Kit loads plugins and masterfiles by creation date (i.e. their last modified date). You need to in some way get your plugins to be date stamped in the same order as the load order that you need them to be in. You can do this by uninstalling and reinstaling in the proper order (via any mod manager). You could do this by loading them and resaving them individually in the CK. There may even be other options that you could use. How you do it is up to you, but you need to get each plugin that you will work with in the correct "load order" when you access the data files in the Creation Kit.


Now on to fooling the CK...


Read only the linked subsection. Anything else on the page is not relevant to your needs.

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