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could i make a "trap" that changes the weather

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I don't believe there is, and if there was a way the scripting involved would be horrendously complex. But maybe I am wrong and hopefully someone with a little more knowledge can answer your question.

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There was something similar to this in Oblivion - a weather change when getting near an active Oblivion portal. If you have Oblivion, possibly you can look to see what they did and replicate that in Skyrim?


First guess - the cells immediately surrounding the tower would be the only ones affected. You would have to map those cells around your tower and use the PC entering one of those to trigger the change, Then possibly have a more pronounced change in the actual cell that contains the tower. Don't worry about trying to limit the weather to just those cells though, just use them as the trigger to change the weather, and then to change it back when leaving those cells.


My Oblivion scripting was never that great, and is way rusty, and I have never even messed with scripting in Skyrim - so that is about the extent of my advice.

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My guess would be to look through the quest branch in the CK till you find the quest your looking for and then look at its scripts and see if there are any triggers for entering a cell, alternatively you could try looking in the cell itself to see if there is already a prefabricated trigger box and then edit its properties, however I think the latter would be unlikely.

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