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Far Cry

This game...


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Man, this game had so much potential, but the devs seemed intent on ruining every bit of fun it might have provided.


Let's start with the basics.


1. You can't holster your weapon.


2. You can't walk when playing the PC version, you always jog.


These two issues might not bother some people, but, they completely ruin any chance of immersion for me.


(I've fixed issue #2 with a mod, but, the only mod that fixes issue #1, has too many drawbacks to actually use it.)


3. Auto reloading weapons.


I can reload my own guns, remember, you gave me a button for it, and a big prompt telling me that I'm low on ammo, etc,. ?


Ring any bells devs? This should always be optional. (Again, mods to the rescue.)


4. Control reliability issues.


There is this clunky feeling to the games controls, where the player sometimes just refuses to do what you tell him to do. (ie, When things get hairy, and you really need tight controls, well, they're not always there.)


5. Hold "E" to interact..


What fresh new hell is this? A child safety on my interact key? I didn't like it when Fable did it, and I don't like it now. (Mods save the day, yet again.)


6. Picking issues.


This is the term used to describe the players ability to select an object in the game world with their crosshair, and, PICK it.


How a AAA title can manage to botch picking, is beyond me.




This game is flawed at a very fundamental level.


If that was the end of the problems, it might not be so bad, but, it get's worse.


7. Balance, whats that?


Heavies can take 4-5+ direct rounds from a grenade launcher, and KEEP coming at you, on EASY. (I hate to break it to you, but, a f*cking TANK probably couldn't do that.)


There are of course easier ways, and better weapons for the job, that's NOT the issue, the issue is, that it's an issue to begin with, it's unrealistic, and frustrating.


(This is just one example, btw, several enemies refuse to die, when they very well should have. Like the helmet wearing guys, umm, a helmet might stop a bullet, but, I guarantee you this, if I shoot you in the head, helmet or not, you aren't going to keep fighting... It would at least knock you out, if not scramble your brains permanently.)


8. Guns have firing range issues.


Many guns just don't have the range they should. (Bullets don't magically stop flying after 50ft, they don't...)


9. Super powered AI. (Namely, super vision, and super accuracy.)


They can spot, and shoot you at ridiculous distances, even beyond what I'm capable of when using the same weapon. (I might get a lucky shot in, or hit them with sheer volume of rounds fired, but they can put you down in a second, from a a mile away with the crappiest of weaponry.)


10. Scripted nonsense, galore.


It's everywhere, nearly every other mission is ruined by some scripted BS that didn't need to be there in the first place.


In fact, this is the very issue triggered this little rant.


You see, a mission had me jump out of a plane, that was the last objective, okay, so, I jump, I hit my wingsuit, and off I went, then, it tells me that I'm leaving the mission area, and threatened to fail me if I didn't return. WTF?


There was no marked landing zone, no marked fly zone, and a simple objective of jump out of the plane, where did this little rule come from all of the sudden, how do you fail at FALLING out of the sky????


(Seriously, you land, and it's mission over, so, what did it matter where I landed?)


Honestly, I could rip nearly every mission apart, because almost all of them have had some stupid crap like this tacked on for no apparent reason.


11. A lot of other issues.


The radio selection sucks, I can barely hear the NPC's talking, it has long startup times, etc, etc,.




I don't know, I want to like this game, because it does a lot right, but, the wrong it does, is unforgivable, it's one of those games that I'll likely never play again because I don't want to deal with this crap EVER again. (I'm basically pushing through it for the story at this point.)

Edited by Axeman
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