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Un-Finalizing Navmesh

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Is there a way to 'un-finalize' navmesh? (reset....or fix a problem I am having)


What I mean is this. I created an interior cell mod. I noticed when others installed and played the mod, NPCs were not doing their assigned patrols. When I started a new game with another existing mod (interior vault settlement), I noticed that my settlers would not move to assigned work stations nor would they go to their assigned beds (even if created later in the creation kit).


I am fairly certain that this has something to do with a navmeshing issue. The pathing is fine (checked in Creation Kit) but I may have done something,like click 'finalize navmesh' multiple times when building in the Creation Kit, which the blocked many items from being accessable by NPCs. I initially didn't notice this issue as I was playing in the mod as I was building it (I would not load in the cell if changes were made in the Creation Kit). I know this because so far when I now edit my mod in the Creation Kit by moving the initial patrol marker for the guards, saved without finalizing mavmesh, then load for an intial entry into the area, the guards are now walking their assigned patrols. Basically, the navmesh in these mods are preventing the NPcs in finding the patrol markers, assigned work stations and/or beds. Once again, it is not because the navmesh triangles are messed up; when I check in navmesh mode, everything is reachable. In my vault settlement mod it also prevents me from adding things like invisible doors (or other teleporting doorways). I can place, link and when I finalize again, the navmesh triangles underneath the teleport markers turn yellow. However, If I check pathing from one level to another, I get the yellow path error (instead of the partial green path from initial point to doorway on that level). S basically once it is screwed up, additional items are also effected.


I know this is a little advanced and I hope I am explaining the problem clearly enough? I am just wondering if their is a way to fix this issue to NPCs can reach their assigned items.

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Sounds like a mod conflict. Something else trying to edit the navmesh in the area?

Unfinalized Navmesh does not work properly and can even crash the game.


If you want to drop any navmesh changes from your mod, you can try deleting the NAVM records in xEdit.

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for wat i know from ck, the only way to change/delete navmesh is clear the hole cell

or like @niston say try xedit


if i was you i would check any esp for cels that don't belonge there, its the fault of ck to add anything you or others touch

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I really think it has something to do with Navmesh and the Creation Kit, particularly in dealing with interior cells that are created of modified? Maybe I did or am doing something that breaks parts of the Navmesh for that particular esp??? Like clicking finalize Navmesh too often?


I fixed my one problem with my one mod (Wolf's Lair Player Home)(new cell). The NPCs were not patrolling their assigned areas and several beds were not able to be used by the NPCs. I fixed it just by going in and moving or is some cases deleting and recreating the initial patrol object, or after deleting and recreating the beds (and without touching Navmesh) the NPCs now got to those beds. Also, when I enter the interior cell for the first time, the guards, robot and kids are no all patrolling like they should be. I am actually ready to release an update version. This is a totally new area so there shouldn't be conflicts?


In my other mod (Vault 88 Settlement) I had problems (if you remember Speedlyn) with NPCs not wanting to go to their beds at night. I can only suffice that I am experiencing the same problem like in my other mod.


I tried adding two invisible doors for one of the elevators, for the NPCs. I linked the doors and finalized the Navmesh and the Navmesh triangles turned yellow (like the are supposed to). Then while still in the Creation Kit, I tried checking the pathways to the invisible doors (using a standard NPC) but I kept getting the yellow arrow error (instead of green arrow to the first doorway) which means that the Navmesh is not properly linked. I deleted and remade the associated Navmesh triangles but keep getting the same errors. I even crated two dummy floors, added two invisible doors and linked them, Navmeshed and finalised, however when checking the Navmesh the doorways are still not linked properly. It is link I somehow damaged some abilities of Navmesh for the entire esp??? I know it sounds weird.


Anyways, maybe I will putz around with XEdit and see if I can resolve my issue with the Vault 88 Settlement Mod.


Anyways, as always thanks guys for your input and for your help, I really appreciate it. I will continue to investigate this issue.



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if you think you click to much finalize, you don't have to do that, just go out the mode save the esp, next time you mod again, you can work on the navmesh again where you stopped, finalizing have only to be done when its complete, just in case you don't/din't know alt+f if i remember right bring up a navmesh check window


wel its the way i always did that, but remember i'm still a n00b :laugh:

Edited by speedynl
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