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Ra'Qassar - The Reach


The days march had gone peaceably enough, they made good time and found no Forsworn until they saw the column of imperials leaving the Reach. Ra'Qassar kept them more on the guard until night fell and they stumbled into the ambush. Ra'Qassar drew his blade and donned his shield. He saw a briarheart and made directly for him. Ducked behind his shield, Ra'Qassar felt the steady ssss-thunk, ssss-thunk of arrows flying at him and lodging themselves in his strong shield. Ra'Qassar bowled the briarheart over, surprising the big Forsworn with his power and ferocity. When the man went down, Ra'Qassar stepped on the Forsworn's windpipe before driving his sword through the wooden heart. Ra'Qassar lead the charge up the hill after Sandhya, slicing and slashing Forsworn as he went. More and more fell to him as he ascended, his cuts were precise, powerful and deadly, lopping off limbs, heads or disemboweling his opponents. Soon he was within the cave. He did not rest on his laurels though, instead he urged his companions onward, "This way! Up into the mountain! We must reach the temple!" He continued forcing his way up the tunnels and past the ancient structures of the Blades, glancing over his shoulder occasionally to make sure his companions were following. Galus, Willis and Sandhya were all close behind from the looks of it, but the others were farther out or out of sight completely.


Galus - The Reach


The day was completely forgotten when they were ambushed at night. Galus's eyes clouded over slightly as he slipped out of conscience thought and into pure instinct. He drew his sword in his right hand and began blasting enemies with lightning that arched from foe to foe. He loosed bolts over his shoulder, in front of him, and occasionally channeled them into his blade as he helped to clear the way with Ra'Qassar. The Khajiit was a juggernaut, Galus was flabbergasted. Rather than tiring, the Khajiit seemed to move faster, strike harder and take more punishment, a similar thing could be attributed to blood rage, but this was something else. The Khajiit wasn't just hitting his stride he was moving faster than should be possible, it was almost as if the blood of his foes was strengthening him. Galus shook his head slightly to clear his distracted thoughts and went back into his battle mode. He noted Willis's proficiency with spell and blade and Sandhya's incredibly quick movements. Adrynn was slaughtering Forsworn left and right as he charged to the Karthspire, and Baltis, even he was assisting.


Baltis Llervu - The Reach


They were pushing steadily through the throng of Forsworn, but more were behind them. Baltis found himself side by side with Adrynn who was proving that he had not lost his touch. Baltis aimed to show him that he could keep up as well. Three Forsworn closed in on him and were punished by a giant blade of ice that sliced all of them in half along their midriffs. Others charged and were met with massive spears of ice.


One man tried to get around behind him, but when the man went to slice the soft flesh of Baltis's neck, the lich chuckled and let his guise melt away before whirling with mind-numbing speed. The lich was there in all his terrible glory now, his bones were a dark grey, still mottled with bits and pieces of long-dead flesh and unbleached by the sun. His eyes were two fiery orbs of light now rather than the false organic ones and one hand had more flesh than the other with a considerably lighter pallor than the rest of his dark grey meat.


Baltis grabbed the man by the throat and lifted him up as the Forsworn slowly turned paler and paler before beginning to turn gray and black. His eyes popped into a thousand tiny shards of ice. Before the body hit the ground, a pale blue glow filled those eyes and the dead retrieved its former weapon before going off to slaughter its former comrades. The sight of Baltis unnerved some of the Forsworn, as they tried to backpedal and flee, they tripped up their comrades. Baltis raised both his hands and then clenched them into fists, summoning a myriad of glimmering spikes, an icy cold death. Baltis and Adrynn slowly worked their way towards the cave, covering the rear. Baltis felt strange, as if with every expenditure of magicka, more replaced it and it flowed faster, surer and more potent. It was a fortunate and beautiful thing as it made the protection of the group that much easier. He laughed heartily when two came at him, the first missed his strike, only to slay his comrade. As soon as the one fell, Baltis raised him and finished the second. Soon there were around a dozen undead Forsworn, brought down by any and all of the companions, raising hell through their living brethren.

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Svarn blocked the jagged sword of a Forsworn with the thick haft of his axe, his strength far more then the bone thin Breton, with a sharp kick to the gut he was able to push the Forsworn back enough to free his axe and bury the spike deep into his chest. The Breton dropped to his knees, one hand clutching the axe and the other feebly sweeping at Svarn with his sword.


Svarn drew his knife from his belt and deflected the strike before driving the blade into the Forsworn's neck. Arterial blood sprayed from the wound as he ripped the blade free. He wrenched the axe from the mans chest as the life fell from his eyes.


Two more charged him, he hurled the knife at the first and it sunk to the hilt into his forehead, the second knocked and arrow and fired at Svarn but the Nord brushed it aside with his great axe and charged, his blood boiling in rage as he cleaved the Forsworn archer from gut to neck with his axe.


He drew Fjorlag from his back and turned to follow Ra'Qassar and Baltis. Fenrir on his heels.

Edited by Macman253
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Sandhya ran beside Ra'Qassar, heading straight for the interior of the mountain. They dodged and weaved through several stone rooms and pathways, running too fast to catch the details. The khajiit suddenly stopped, though, when she saw the flash of armor in the path ahead. She thought she glimpsed a giant, carved stone head above the far doorway through which the glint came, but the lighting was too poor for her to tell.


The flash became a glimmer, and there, garbed in Akaviri steel, was a lone Dunmer woman, her face half concealed by her helm. Her burgundy eyes glowed in the dark, her pale grey skin slightly wrinkled beside her eyes and mouth to indicate that she was advanced in years, even for an elf.


"Halt, strangers!" her voice echoed around the crumbling stone chamber, "What are you doing here?"

Edited by AurianaValoria1
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Adrynn pushed mightily through the Forsworn throngs, his strikes powerful and deadly, honed from literally centuries of fighting. The Forsworn soon learned to fear the Dunmer in Gah-Julan Bonemold as he threw aside those who dared to attack him with blade and magic, his body shrouded in a deadly whirlwind of fire. He didn't stop to fight those who taunted him from the side, instead forcing his way through their lines with Baltis. The lich seemed to be enjoying himself, especially when he finally dropped his illusionary form and really started to help.


Once the dead began to rise again, the Forsworn finally broke away from their attacks to flee. It gave Adrynn and Baltis a moment to collect themselves as they made the cave system and pushed through them, their way already cleared by those ahead of the pair. As they ran, Adrynn glanced over to the lich, and realized that as imposing as his true form was, it was... counterproductive at the moment.


"Baltis! Change back! You'll scare the kids!" Adrynn yelled over labored breaths, a laugh escaping his lips. Kids indeed...


Finally, they wound through the last of the upper stone rooms before emerging in a large chamber, a stone face raised over a doorway against the far wall, and a large stone symbol carved into the floor. Adrynn stopped and coughed a few times before putting his hands on his knees to catch his breath. He wasn't quite as young as he used to be. He glanced up and noticed Ra'Qassar, Sandhya, Galus, Svarn, and Willis standing before a lone woman in Blades armor. Adrynn pushed through them and stopped, a grin spreading over his face.


"Come now, cousin. You did send for me, didn't you?" Adrynn asked, sheathing his sword and holding his arms out in a neutral stance. He glanced around, his face falling into a frown. "Where is Faeryn?"

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Ra'Qassar - Karthspire


The Akaviri clad women took Ra'Qassar aback for a moment. He stopped and looked at her, this was who they were supposed to see. "Velanya?" He asked, "We're with-" Ra'Qassar was cut off by Adrynn's appearance and greeting. This was indeed who they had been sent to meet. Ra'Qassar felt rejuvenated after the battle, like somehow he had recovered his lost strength, but this was nothing new to him. Perhaps the adrenaline was still wearing off, he did not know, but he usually he felt rather refreshed after protracted conflicts instead of beat down. There was such a marked difference between his status before the battle and afterward, that combined with the strange happenings at Labyrinthian, gave him pause. Perhaps there was more to himself than he once knew.


Baltis Llervu - Karthspire


Baltis and Adrynn finished fending off the Forsworn and forged through the mountain passageways. Adrynn hollered at him to don his disguise once more, Baltis was thinking on the same path. He had just finished readying the first spell in his layers of disguise when Adrynn told him to revert. By the time they made it to the others Baltis was back to his "normal" Dunmer self. There in gleaming armor stood Azura's second champion, Velanya Therys. "Well, well, well, it's been a long time Velanya," the lich began, "As per usual, I have come uninvited again, I hope you don't mind." Baltis's lip curled slightly. Although he felt remorse for what happened to Adrynn's wife, he still had bad blood with Velanya. It was strange, they had never openly fought, but there had been a sort of mutual disdain it seemed from the beginning and it festered like a bad wound. Perhaps the fact that they had never settled anything in combat was why Baltis still had no salve for that wound.

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As soon as he laid eyes on the Akaviri armor, Willis knew the Dunmer woman was no danger to them—he had read about the Blades and, based on the description, expected no quarrel to arise between them. Adrynn's greeting and subsequent sheathing of his weapon further strengthened Willis' trust, and he too sheathed his sword. Perhaps now would be a good time to set about healing his wounds. Best to start with the arrows in his joints, in case they suddenly had to resume running.


Positioning his open hand over the shaft in his hip, he closed his eyes in deep concentration. Immediately, his palm began to emit a faint white glow, and the arrow seemed to slowly push itself out as the wound rapidly began to close. He moved his hand to catch the arrow just before it fell out completely—he didn't want the sound of it clattering to the ground to echo throughout the cave. He then did the same with the arrow lodged in his knee.


My adventuring days are far from over, he thought with a smirk.

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"Whatever the case may be Ordinator, I am indebted to you, and to your companion" She smiled noting the ashlander- She was not expecting to see one of her kind so far from the ashen wastes. But then, who would have thought that Morrowind's last saint, and the Ordinator Faeryn would be walking through the roads of Skyrim?


Hearing the sound of battle close by, Iodiria slowly rose to her feet, mustering enough strength to cast a healing spell, and focus it upon her side. "I should be able to walk now." She confirmed, looking into Faeryn's eyes.


"My old friend, I must ask... what of Adrynn? Azura has tasked me with finding him, and I was able to garner that his destination was the reach... tell me, is there something significant regarding the Karthspire? Can it be coincidence that I seek him, and such an ancient place is now a battle ground?"

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Velanya silently surveyed the group that gathered around the entrance to Sky Haven Temple - Adrynn, Sorinyarie, two Khajiit, a stranger Altmer, a burly Nord, a mage, and Baltis...the last of which she was none to eager to see again. The first, however....


"Faeryn has yet to arrive," she finally replied, stepping closer to Adrynn, "But I'm sure he'll make it, soon. Good to see you again, cousin. And you, Sorin."


She gave him a quick embrace before returning her attention to the group of unknowns who followed him. They all looked to be capable warriors, despite the copious amount of blood on their armor. The Dunmer suspected the Forsworn had given them a run for their money. That problem would be taken care of soon enough, though....


She took a deep breath and glanced over them, no amount of humor or lightheartedness in her eyes. This would be a turning point for most all of them.


"The rest of you," Velanya paced in front of them, "have just stumbled into a Blades operation. You may remember that this temple was uncovered by the Dragonborn and his allies during the fight against the World Eater two decades ago. But the makeshift regiment vanished as quickly as the resurrected dragons and the Dovahkiin himself, so we are dragon hunters no more and once again agents of the Empire - a position currently filled by the Penitus Oculatus...for now."


Her eyes narrowed, "I will give you this one chance to make a choice. You may leave now, and the Blades will not pursue you for knowing our presence here. Or, you may stay, and join the ranks of those who will bring the Thalmor to their knees."




Faeryn shook his head, "Velanya Therys sent me to contact him. We were to meet her here for important business. If you were tasked by Azura to find him, then that is no mere coincidence. Come, let us move."


He readied his weapon again and led the advance around to the front of the Karthspire. There, dozens of Forsworn bodies were scattered across a camp and the boardwalks leading to the mountain's cave entrance. There were a few screaming stragglers, but not enough to bother fighting. Curious, the Ordinator continued into the cave entrance and passageways until he emerged into an old courtyard, where Adrynn, Sorinyarie, and the others stood in front of...






Before anyone could answer her, three more figures came into view from the far cave entrance.


Faeryn, the Ashlander scout Serrabinashiah, and the Living Saint Iodiria.


This isn't all coincidence, Velanya thought, First Sorin and Baltis, now Serra and Iodiria, too?


She raised her hand in greeting, "And there is Faeryn, right on cue."


The Ordinator removed his helm as a sign of peace and grinned at her from afar before moving towards Adrynn. He opened his pack and produced Garila's ring, extending it to his old Redoran friend, "There you are, as promised."


Turning to Sorinyarie, he extended her amulet to her, "And I believe this is yours as well."




Sandhya watched with interest as the group they had met on the roads near Windhelm all came together again...plus a few more. So this was a Blades operation, indeed? She had heard of the Blades and their involvement in the Oblivion Crisis so long ago...and their recent and brief revival as dragon hunters. If it was this Dunmer woman's quest to bring them back as agents of the Empire and use them to thwart the Thalmor, then she would have a difficult time ahead of her.


Perhaps it was up to them to help.


The khajiit stepped forward, "This one will join you."

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Adrynn grinned when Velanya hugged him, and hugged her back. Even though they had not seen each other in decades, and had parted on not too good terms, it was still heartening to know that despite their differences, she had missed him.


"Aye, it is good to see you too, cousin," Adrynn replied, before stepping off to the side as she began to pace.


The Redoran silently listened to Velanya's offer his smile fading into a frown. It was much like what Caius had done to him, those many decades ago, except this time, Velanya was giving them something he never got. A choice. He mentally sighed. Sometimes, fate just didn't play fair. As much as he may resent it, he was still, for all intents and purposes, a Blade. That was mostly the reason behind his cousin summoning him, as he was still one of the few Blades who still lived, though he had never been active in the service after the Oblivion Crisis, despite Caius Cosades' attempts to pull him into missions.


Well, things changed for a reason, he thought quietly to himself. After Velanya posed her question, his mind turned to Faeryn. Where was he? And with a frighteningly good sense of timing, the Indoril showed up, with Serra behind him, and Iodiria herself bringing up the rear. Adrynn felt his draw drop and his eyebrows raise. Blinking, he quickly shut his gaping mouth and smiled at the once Living Saint.


"Well, there is a face I didn't expect to see again in this life. Greetings, Indoril Iodiria," Adrynn said, bowing to her. When Faeryn gave him back his ring, Adrynn nodded in thanks and quickly returned the ring to his finger. He turned back to Iodiria, noticing her dye had faded from its golden luster, and her true grey skin was starting to show through in patches here and there.


"What brings you to Skyrim?" he asked her, wondering at this new development.

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Placing the arrows in his belt, for want of a better place, Willis once more lowered his hood so this Velanya could see his face clearly. He listened carefully to every word she said, and considered his options. Pledging himself to the Blades would obviously be a long-term commitment, and might delay his quest....but on the other hand, assisting them might gain him their trust, and he could perhaps enlist them in the effort to find Kr'ohr. They had opposed Mehrunes Dagon before, surely they would be willing to do it again. Stepping forward, he raised his hands in front of his chest, touching the tips of his fingers together and bowing his head in the standard mage salute.


"To the very best of my ability," he said, "I will serve the Blades."

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