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New to modding and without a clue


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I'm trying to create a mod and I need a little help. I really need a point in the right direction.

Essentially what I'm trying to do is make a new once a day race power that begins to kick in when your health gets to about 1/4th remaining the character starts to glow slightly (to indicate that the power is close to being activated) until health reaches zero where instead of dying golden wisps of light and energy erupt violently in a somewhat large display from your body staggering nearby enemies and your health and stamina restore and regenerate faster for a few seconds as well as having your character's appearance randomize.

What I'm really looking for is help with the randomization part above everything else.

This is for a Doctor Who mod so if you're a DW fan and you know a little something that could help me out then speak up!
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If you treated it like a werewolf or vampire lord transformation and had a series of pre-defined appearances, then that might be possible. It might even be possible to randomize among the pre-defined setups. But that uses a new race with one preset per gender, which might screw up quests and other things that check for the player's race.


On the otherhand, all you really need to do is randomize aspects of the player's face. SKSE has something which may work. I've not used it so not that sure on how to work it in. http://www.creationkit.com/SetNthHeadPart_-_ActorBase

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