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Can't Uninstall Arise - Chapter 1 - The Black Sacramen


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When I uninstall this mod the game crash at the start, I checked via TES5Edit what the problem is and it say :


[00:20] Background Loader: [blackSacramentArmor.esp] Loading file
[00:20] Background Loader: Fatal: <EOSError: System Error. Code: 2.


I uninstalled this mod 10 times at least and its still crash on the start?


why? why some one make A mod that ruin the game?


I can only play while this mod is install this is A troll mod.


help me please.

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You didn't post the entire error message. Which plugin tried to load Black Sacrament as its master. That is the mod that needs to be fixed or removed. Nothing to do with Black Sacrament itself.

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You didn't post the entire error message. Which plugin tried to load Black Sacrament as its master. That is the mod that needs to be fixed or removed. Nothing to do with Black Sacrament itself.

That's the error that shown, nothing more, how can I know which Masters Black Sacrament thinks he connected to?

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If you actually uninstalled the mod, you wouldn't have a 'BlackSacramentArmor.esp' in your game data folder. But that message is not telling you that you have 'BlackSacramentArmor.esp', it's telling you there is another plugin in your load order that is trying to load 'BlackSacramentArmor.esp' because it's been made dependent on that file as a master (and that 'BlackSacramentArmor.esp' is missing, so the game crashes when that plugin is being loaded). It could be you did not uninstall the optional DB armor replacer for the 'Black Sarcrament', or maybe a dynamically generated compatibility patch merged some records from 'BlackSacramentArmor.esp' and is now dependent on it (which means the patch needs to be rebuilt). 'BlackSacramentArmor.esp' does not require any masters other than the base game esm (unless it has been edited by the user), and would not cause a mod dependency error. So the plugin that stops TES5Edit from loading all of your plugins, and bounces that error message, is the one that is missing a master, not 'BlackSacramentArmor.esp'

Edited by ripple
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