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Scripting Help Needed For Donations Box


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In its original form this script is flawed. Any time you donated a sum of money, the
script would deduct the funds you donate plus an extra cap. To rectify this error, the
script is now written where the amount now taken is one cap less than what is stated in
the donations option menu - so instead of paying a flat donation of 10 caps, you pay 9
caps plus the extra one (for a total of 10) that is taken through the flawed script.
Also, the script keeps rewarding Karma for the larger donations. The Karma reward
should be limited to a one time reward.
Can somebody rework the script so that a flat donation of caps is taken rather than
what I've explained, and have the Karma reward be a one time deal.
Thanks to any replies.


ScriptName aaDonationBoxScript

Short Button
Short DoOnce
Begin OnActivate Player
If ( DoOnce == 0 )
ShowMessage aaDonations01MSG ;See below (end)
Set DoOnce to 1
Begin GameMode
Set Button to GetButtonPressed
If ( button == 0 ) && Player.GetItemCount Caps001 >=1
Player.RemoveItem Caps001 1
If ( DoOnce == 1 )
ShowMessage aaDonations02MSG ;See below (end)
Set DoOnce to 0
ElseIf ( Button == 1 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount Caps001 >= 5 )
Player.RemoveItem Caps001 4
If ( DoOnce == 1 )
ShowMessage aaDonations02MSG
Set DoOnce to 0
ElseIf ( Button == 2 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount Caps001 >= 10 )
Player.RemoveItem Caps001 9
Player.RewardKarma 1
If ( DoOnce == 1 )
ShowMessage aaDonations02MSG
Set DoOnce to 0
ElseIf ( Button == 3 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount Caps001 >= 25 )
Player.RemoveItem Caps001 24
Player.RewardKarma 2
If ( DoOnce == 1 )
ShowMessage aaDonations02MSG
Set DoOnce to 0
ElseIf ( Button == 4 ) && ( Player.GetItemCount Caps001 >= 50 )
Player.RemoveItem Caps001 49
Player.RewardKarma 5
If ( DoOnce == 1 )
ShowMessage aaDonations02MSG
Set DoOnce to 0
ElseIf ( Button == 5 )
Player.RewardKarma -10
Set DoOnce to 0
ElseIf ( Button == 6 )
;Do Nothing
Set DoOnce to 0
;How much do you want to donate?
;1, 5, 10, 25, 50, Open the box and take the money!, None.
;Your donation to the church is greatly received. The destitute of the wastes
;thank you.

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You have a couple of extra 'endif's breaking your elseif chain.



ScriptName aaDonationBoxScript
Short Button
Short DoOnce
Begin OnActivate Player
     If ( DoOnce == 0 )
         ShowMessage aaDonations01MSG   ;See below (end)
         Set DoOnce to 1
Begin GameMode
Set Button to GetButtonPressed
    If ( button == 0 ) &&  Player.GetItemCount Caps001 >=1
          Player.RemoveItem Caps001 1
               If ( DoOnce == 1 )
                    ShowMessage aaDonations02MSG   ;See below (end)
                    Set DoOnce to 0
;EndIf  <-- extra
    ElseIf ( Button == 1 )  &&  ( Player.GetItemCount Caps001 >= 5 )
     Player.RemoveItem Caps001 4
          If ( DoOnce == 1 )
               ShowMessage aaDonations02MSG
               Set DoOnce to 0
    ElseIf ( Button == 2 )  &&  ( Player.GetItemCount Caps001 >= 10 )
       Player.RemoveItem Caps001 9
       Player.RewardKarma 1
          If ( DoOnce == 1 )
               ShowMessage aaDonations02MSG
               Set DoOnce to 0
    ElseIf ( Button == 3 )  &&  ( Player.GetItemCount Caps001 >= 25 )
     Player.RemoveItem Caps001 24
     Player.RewardKarma 2
          If ( DoOnce == 1 )
               ShowMessage aaDonations02MSG
               Set DoOnce to 0
    ElseIf ( Button == 4 )  &&  ( Player.GetItemCount Caps001 >= 50 )
     Player.RemoveItem Caps001 49
     Player.RewardKarma 5
          If ( DoOnce == 1 )
                  ShowMessage aaDonations02MSG
                 Set DoOnce to 0
    ElseIf ( Button == 5 )
     Player.RewardKarma -10
     Set DoOnce to 0
;EndIf  <--extra
    ElseIf ( Button == 6 )
         ;Do Nothing
         Set DoOnce to 0
;How much do you want to donate?
;1, 5, 10, 25, 50, Open the box and take the money!, None.
;Your donation to the church is greatly received. The destitute of the wastes
;thank you.


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Thanks for the reply rickerhk, however, the script you suggest (with the extra endifs removed) has the same result. An extra 1 cap is removed after the donated amount is deducted, and the karma award can be obtained multiple times.

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Do you have conditions on the donate buttons in the message that check for the appropriate number of caps? That way the users wouldn't even see the options they can't afford, and it would let you simplify the script like so:

EDIT: Realized the first version I posted still allowed multiple Karma awards. This version will let the player donate as often as they like, but they will only get the Karma award (or penalty) once.

ScriptName aaDonationBoxScript
Short Button
Short DoOnce
Short AwaitingInput
Short KarmaPoints
Begin OnActivate Player
;    If ( DoOnce == 0 ) <-- Uncomment this line if player can only activate once

        ShowMessage aaDonations01MSG   ;See below (end)
        Set AwaitingInput to 1

;    EndIf <-- Uncomment this line if player can only activate once
Begin GameMode
If (AwaitingInput == 1)

    Set Button to GetButtonPressed
    If (Button > -1)
        set AwaitingInput to 0
        set KarmaPoints to 0
        If ( button == 0 )
            Player.RemoveItem Caps001 1
            ShowMessage aaDonations02MSG   ;See below (end)
        ElseIf ( Button == 1 )
            Player.RemoveItem Caps001 5
            ShowMessage aaDonations02MSG   ;See below (end)
        ElseIf ( Button == 2 )
            Player.RemoveItem Caps001 10
            set KarmaPoints to 1
            ShowMessage aaDonations02MSG   ;See below (end)
        ElseIf ( Button == 3 )
            Player.RemoveItem Caps001 25
            set KarmaPoints to 2
            ShowMessage aaDonations02MSG   ;See below (end)
        ElseIf ( Button == 4 )
            Player.RemoveItem Caps001 50
            set KarmaPoints to 5
            ShowMessage aaDonations02MSG   ;See below (end)
        ElseIf ( Button == 5 )
            set KarmaPoints to -10

        If (DoOnce == 0) && (KarmaPoints != 0)
            Player.RewardKarma KarmaPoints
            set DoOnce to 1

;How much do you want to donate?
;1, 5, 10, 25, 50, Open the box and take the money!, None.
;Your donation to the church is greatly received. The destitute of the wastes
;thank you.
Edited by Belthan
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