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[Emergency] Skyrim delay bug? (With mods listed) Please help! Deta


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Hey guys and just wanted to start of by thanking you for taking the time to see if you can help me with my dilemma. So here's what's happening, for an example if I were to order a room in any standard Inn it would normally start the script that the innkeeper takes your money and then shows you to your room. But here's the problem with that, he doesn't. He just says the phrase and then nothing happens, nor does he take my coin so I just end up ending/leaving the chat. But 5-15 minutes later he'll take the coin and start walking into the room so in other words there's a huge delay for some reason. Now this isn't only with the innkeeper, no my friend this is with almost everything that requires some sort of script like say an escort quest or any of the sort. However I don't lagg in the game, nope my game runs smooth and I can still swing my sword and still dish out damage and kill people without any delay. It's just when it comes to the scripts like stuff isn't responding or sending data like with the Innkeeper or with quests in general. Now this is driving me insane cause I've re installed my mods (haven't removed a lot of them though cause that would take a hell lot of time so rather just remove a certain one I know is causing the problem ) and made sure they're up to date and what not so I'm completely helpless/clueless in this case. So I'm really hoping and praying that some kind soul has a solution for me in any case all responses are appreciated and welcomed, although please do check my mod list before you comment and try not to redirect me to something else or give me an instruction that I have no clue how to perform. So if there's a certain mod that needs to be deleted that you know is causing the problem then please do tell me, or if there' just is a fix for the problem or something I need to download then please do make a step by step instruction how I can do it.

Thanks a bunch for reading and bless you for trying to help a fella in need.

Here's a collection of all the mods I'm using, also I wasn't able to fit racemenu.esm in the list so just ignore that but it's there. Just press next first image, next image and so on to view the pictures! Copy/Paste the link into a tab to be able to view them http://imgur.com/oCw...y00tE,kwpVj4O#0 .

Thanks again and sorry again if I haven't posted in the right section but It's a bit of an emergency cause I don't have that much time to play games cause I work a lot so would be nice to have this solved before Monday hehe.

Best regards Otto, thanks for reading :happy:.

PS I always launch with SKSE and got a total of active 244 plugins.

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Don't bump, you'll get banned for it. *sigh* People can't even wait for 10 minutes these days. :rolleyes:


Anyway, back to your problem...


First, your load order is in dire need of sorting, run BOSS to sort what it can and adjust the rest manually (it will also mention if any of your mods conflict).


Second, you don't have a bashed patch, with 244 plugins loaded (256 is the absolute maximum you can have), you better make one. And merge your mods with Wrye Smash if you want to keep all of them, otherwise get rid of some, having 244 plugins without merging any is just... I don't know what to say. Note that a Bashed patch needs to be made anew each time you add/remove mods.


Third, after you do the above, export your load order and post it, no one can troubleshoot your load order based on images (unless he's crazier than me, which is hard to find). There might be conflicting mods over there and I sure won't browse through a bunch of pics to check.


And finally, you might consider purging your savegames folder and starting a new game after doing all of the above, seeing that mess immediately makes me think about corrupted saves.

Edited by Werne
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I had no idea about the bump rule since I see a ton of people doing it and no one is telling them any different so yeah. But thanks for posting I appreciate it friend, however you aren't really helping by just saying '' Wrye Bash '' what does it exactly do and how do I use it? And with Boss, is it just to select Skyrim and then press Run? And once more thanks for posting =), but sorry for asking so much annoying questions but I'm new with both Boss & Wrye Bash.


Thanks again!


Best regards Otto, and PS I've already tried making a new game and that isn't helping so it isn't the save itself.

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Also, how do I patch with Wrye bash? I've installed it now and when I activate a mod in Nexus it shows up in Wrye as well. But is there a specific button how to patch?

Wrye Bash is a mod manager and an assortment of utilities needed for modding/maintaining your game. While you may think another mod manager is redundant, it's far from it. Unlike NMM (I hate that thing) Wrye Bash is capable of creating bashed patches, using BOSS to sort the load order, launching various tools/utilities you may need and if I recall correctly, it's even capable of downloading and activating mods like NMM (never used that, I install mods manually).


To make a bashed patch, right-click below your plugins and there should be something similar to "create bashed patch" in the menu that pops up (or one of it's sub-menus). Once you make the file, right-click it and then there should be something similar to "rebuild bashed patch". Build it and place it last in your load order. Can't recall what exactly does the lines say or where they are, I didn't play Skyrim in over 6 months.


And for BOSS, just choose Skyrim and run it.

Edited by Werne
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Thanks for such a quick response friend, however I can't seem to find that plugin thing. Could you possibly look at your old Wrye Basher and take a picture and upload it to imgur or so? Would really really appreciate it if you bothered :). But really thanks again for helping me out, it's very appreciated none the less. Btw I dragged and dropped all my mods into Wrye bash and there's an option to '' install '' them if I right click on them, is this wise? And patching is the same as merging right?



Thanks again! You've brought a tiny bit of hope onto my Skyrim :D.


Best regards Otto.

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