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Hey guys :D


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Here's a list of some of my favorite mods --


Interesting NPCs (Probably my favorite mod of all. It really breathes life into Skyrim, adding tons of fully-voiced NPCs who are actually unique and have truly interesting backstories.)


Wet and Cold



Skyrim Ultra HD Texture Pack (I currently have this combined with Skyrim HD and another texture pack)

Varied Guards and Stormcloaks

Ethereal Elven Overhaul

Mature Skin Texture and Body (if you use the UNP, CBBE, or ADEC body type for females)

MacKom's Real Skin for Men

Lore Based Loading Screens


I have a ton of mods I really like, but those are some of my absolute favorites.


There are also some really useful tools to help optimize Skyrim, such as SMCO, which resizes textures without any truly noticeable difference in quality. My computer's not the greatest rig out there, but because of this tool, I'm able to run Skyrim with very high quality textures at a very solid frame-rate. SMCO's really easy to use; almost the entire process is automated.


Another tool I've just recently discovered is the Rogue Script Remover. As many of us know, adding lots of mods can result in many issues of all sorts, the most common of which is a CTD, or crash to desktop. I downloaded this tool about a week ago and haven't experienced a single crash since. It's a godsend.


There's BOSS, a tool which will automatically sort your load order to the most stable order known. Very useful.


There's a bunch of other great tools and mods to enhance your Skyrim experience, but those are, in my opinion, some of the most essential. :)

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