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Mannequin pose script?


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I'm developing a store for my Opulent Outfits mods:





I'm desperate for someone to aid me in rigging up my mannequins in the CK so that they are in a specific pose.

Does anyone know of the right script for that? I know very little about scripting, and would love some help.

I have searched far and wide for help, but have only found out bits and fragments of the solution. I know its got something to do with idles but thats literally it.


Many thanks in advance




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The Vanilla Mannequin Script Fix adds pose options to the stock mannequin (along with the fixes). If you compare that script to the original non-dlc script you might be able to determine how SLuckyD added in the posing.


Don't ask in the mod thread about it cause you'll just end up talking to me anyway... He's given me control of the mod but its on the back burner so to speak.


Of the top of my head, I couldn't tell you how to do it. But from what I remember, the AI is enabled and the assigned pose is played and then the AI is disabled so that they'll stay in that position.

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