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CTDs near Bruca's Leap Redoubt


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CTD in the same location is usually caused by a mod which has introduced a bad mesh/texture into your game. If this is you cause then:

1) you will need to remove the mod, not just deactivate it

2) to identify the mod you need to ask yourself what mod(s) do I have that change things that occur in the Bruca's Leap area. Forsworn armor? Hagravens? Various types of flora and fauna?

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CTD in the same location is usually caused by a mod which has introduced a bad mesh/texture into your game. If this is you cause then:

1) you will need to remove the mod, not just deactivate it

2) to identify the mod you need to ask yourself what mod(s) do I have that change things that occur in the Bruca's Leap area. Forsworn armor? Hagravens? Various types of flora and fauna?

Thank youuuu, after deleting texture mods, I found the culprit, it is Majestic Mountains (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11052), I deleted the mod, finally entered the area and there was no problem, then save the game, exit, install the mod again and that's it, no more CTD, thank you very, very much o/

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CTD in the same location is usually caused by a mod which has introduced a bad mesh/texture into your game. If this is you cause then:

1) you will need to remove the mod, not just deactivate it

2) to identify the mod you need to ask yourself what mod(s) do I have that change things that occur in the Bruca's Leap area. Forsworn armor? Hagravens? Various types of flora and fauna?

Thank youuuu, after deleting texture mods, I found the culprit, it is Majestic Mountains (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/11052), I deleted the mod, finally entered the area and there was no problem, then save the game, exit, install the mod again and that's it, no more CTD, thank you very, very much o/

You're welcome.

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