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Could someone recommend me a realistic ENB with these guidelines?


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I've been looking at videos on holdilton's channel all day, trying to decide on one that looks like a good basis.


I'm going to be using RCRN, so it's kind of an unknown for me right now...what the game will look like. If anyone could recommend ENBs that work well with RCRN, here are a few other things I've been looking for:


-Very minimal depth of field effects. I wouldn't mind for things to get blurry a bit when I'm really close to an object, but I don't want the game trying to decide on its own what I'm looking at and blurring out a large amount of the background. That's not really how it works in real life. Plus, performance. I want it.


-God rays. A ton of the videos on hodilton's channel have that moment where the camera pans across some trees, and the sun's beams shine through with a pretty impressive effect. But again, that's not really what happens in real life. Tree branches don't let light beams squeak past them, they block the light because they're a solid object. Would help performance too, I imagine.


-A realistic sky. Again, the ENBs in hodilton's videos seem to have overdone the brightness and size of the sun and blueness or grayness of the sky. I've been looking at the sky a lot lately while outside, it's mostly blue. Seriously, a lot of ENBs seem to have this blinding sky.



I'd appreciate the help.

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Project ENB? Realistic preset. I use SSAO to make the water more realistic (clear instead of the ugly/weird inky blue).

DOF - Optional.
Sun rays - Yes.
Realistic Sky - Grey when it's raining, a very brilliant blue when it's sunny, and...everything in between,

Preview 1,
Preview 2.

Edited by Jeir
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I get the feeling Project ENB isn't meant to work well with RCRN. The mod page specifically mentions CoT and I read on the RCRN site that Project ENB doesn't go well with it. Also, is the depth of field stuff an on or off thing? Or can I tweak how it works?

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