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Stuttering Indoors. No loss in FPS


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so ive looked a little into this, but i didnt see anyone having this issue without loss of FPS.


whenever i walk into a dungeon or go indoors Skyrim starts to stutter. i get no reported loss of FPS, but its like the screen cannot keep up or something.


this happened in the vanilla game. im only an hour or so into it (Level 5 lol) but its already bugging me. hoping to find a solution i downloaded some highly endorsed mods trying to fix bugs and lighting issues and whatnot, and none of it had any effect. ive tried so many lighting/patch mods quite honestly they could be conflicting at this point (though nothing in game seems to say so, everything runs like a dream when im outside. smooth no matter how far im looking or how fast i move the camera). this is a list of mods i have atm:


Bethesda Hi-Res DLC Optimized

Better Landscapes textures - Full v06

Enhanced Lights and FX - ELFX Enhancer

Enhanced Lights and FX - Enhanced Lights and FX

HighRes TexturePack DLC Tweaks - v3_2

High Res Legible Road Signs Version 3

Project Reality - Climates of Tamriel-V3

Pure Waters 0 1_Pure Waters 4-4 Main

Realistic Lighting Overhaul

Serious HD Retexture Skyrim - Serious HD Retexture LANDSCAPE 2048px

Serious HD Retexture Skyrim - Serious HD Retexture LANDSCAPE 2048px UPDATE

Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Dungeons

Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Landscape

Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Misc

Skyrim HD - 2K Textures - Skyrim HD v1_5 FULL - Towns

Skyrim Project Optimization

Static Mesh Overhaul

Unofficial High Resolution Patch

Unofficial Skyrim Patch

Weapons and Armor Fixes


as i said, i sort of went on a downloading spree seeing what i could throw in there, seeing how much of a change, if any, that i noticed, and seeing if anything would help the stuttering issue indoors. im sure there are mods in here that are overlapping and overwriting that are doing the same thing. there are a couple of other mods too, but nothing that effects visuals or game performance or anything. I used NMM to install all of them and got the overwrite prompt a few times (i clicked No to All whenever it popped up, idk if thats a good thing or not lol) if i ever solve this issue, ill probably wipe them all and start fresh keeping only some of the lighting and texture and patch mods.


my systems specs are as follows:



Gigabyte 2GB 7950

8gb RAM (1333)


1TB 7200RPM SATA 3 (Steam and Skyrim installed here)

Windows 7 Pro x64


im playing at max settings with no problem outside. Ive tried playing on lower settings, with the problem persisting indoors. Ive tried forcing the settings with the Catalyst Control Center with no difference. Ive tried V-Sync both on and off in the CCC. also i run the game after using IOBit GameBooster v3.5 Beta (old, but the best imo)....i should mention ive been able to play other games at Max settings with no problems so far such as Far Cry 3, StarCraft 2, Guild Wars 2, FONV, and others.


i hope someone can provide some insight to help me solve this. the game seems fun so far (never played a TES game) but this whole stuttering indoors thing bugs the hell out of me and could break me to the point of not wanting to play Skyrim.


thanks everyone!



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Use BOSS to proper set your load order. Don't use those "Bethesda Hi-Res DLC Optimized" and "HighRes TexturePack DLC Tweaks - v3_2" mods, it has several properties for textures that may cause conflicts with the HD pack for Bethesda. As well, you should not be using Realistic Lighting Overhaul with ELFX, they are no longer compatible and may cause performance issues in interiors.


As well, "Weapons and Armor Fixes" is no longer updated, try "Weapons and Armor Fixes - Remade with Dawnguard support" instead.


Use TES5Edit to clean your game .esm files, namely Update.esm, Dawnguard.esm, Hearthfire.esm, and Dragonborn.esm (if you do not have the DLCs, then only Update.esm should be present). Follow the guide and mod page here: TES5Edit. You can use it to clean some other mods as well, but be wary to only do this if it's deemed safe. For the game .esm files, it's quite already.

Edited by ZeroKing
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It's not native to AMD. This issue has been present in all of Bethesda's games that make use of the Gamebryo engine. Some people have it, others don't. Some have it and don't notice it. Some do.


I found that quickly moving the camera for a brief second removes the issue for a short time.


Other than that, welcome to Bethesda. Hope you enjoy your stay.

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well poop. that sucks.


ill deff clean up my mods and whatnot then, and just hope i can bear with it. thanks for the input everyone. :)




well i just took out the few mods you told me to Zero King. and added in the couple you suggested. Ran BOSS and TES5Edit and i dont think i had any issues. read the Logs and nothin popped out as something trying to tell me something is wrong lol. i appreciate your help. if you have any other tips or suggestions, performance enhancing mods or anything of the like, feel free to lmk.


thanks again!! :D

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