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Zombie What?


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I fast traveled to a camp called valley view, I shot a breeze with the friendly head hunter khajit that was there (I use MMM), and then a random non-hostile zombie shambled over, its name was: ZombieMixnMatch01, what the heck is going on? Anyone else ever experience or hear of this?
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  • 3 weeks later...
Mix'n'match zombie was in one of the houses you could get to by standing in the alchemy part of frostcrag spire saving your game then uninstalling frostcrag spire then loading your game. You ended up in bruma style setllement with a cloud ruler temple replica near it but you also had access to a lot of testing ground so i explored a bit and found a small town thing wich had a few houses you could go in one of wich had the mix'n'match zombie in the attic so yes it's a test zombie :biggrin:
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