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Wierd bug, please help me!


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Hi, thanks for reading

here's what i've done:

started steam in off-line mode, ran game normally, had a crash to desktop due to high res graphics not needed

back to desktop, i've started SkyrimLauncher.exe to edit the graphic option; appear a steam message, saying something like "you can't run this because it has to be upgraded"

so i reset steam in on-line mode


re-starting the launcher an upgrade window appears, immediately completed, so i switch the graphic options, close the launcer and start NMM

clicking the "Launch SKSE" button gives me now this message:


"You are using a newer version of Skyrim than this version of SKSE supports. If the patch to this version just came out, please be patient while we update our code. In the meantime, please check http://skse.silverlock.org to make sure you're using the latest version of SKSE. (version = 0001000900200000 010600B0)"

please halp!

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