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Atronach Forge - new recipes.


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I'm new to skyrim modders community, I have done a couple of mods for morrowind long ago, now I'm going to have a lot of free time, so I start working on a mod for skyrim.
What I need is knowing a way, how to make new recipes for the Atronach Forge. I know that there is a papyrus script, but i barely understand it. So do I need to make some new keywords in CK, some lists, or have I to mess with the script itself?

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You don't need to mess with the script itself but you do need to make additions to some of the formlists used in the properties

formlist property RecipeList auto
{Master list of valid recipes. Most Complex should be first}
formlist property ResultList auto
{Master list of recipe results.  Indices of Rewards MUST MATCH those of the recipe list}
formlist property SigilRecipeList auto
{Recipes that are only available when sigil stone is installed}
formlist property SigilResultList auto
{Items attainable only with sigil stone installed}

Look at the activator (reference GenPullBar01 found in WinterholdCollegeMidden01) for the atronach forge. Highlight the script and select properties. Each one of the above formlist properties should be there with an assigned entry. You need to locate those lists and add the items as necessary. Do note that index entry is very important on those lists, the recipe needs to match with the result otherwise you could get the wrong thing or nothing at all. In the case of the recipe list, it is a list of formlists that contain the ingredients and the results list is a list of the items that match the index of the recipe.



You want a recipe that consists of

-- a broom

-- a scroll of invisibility

-- a grand soul gem

with the result of

-- a staff of invisibility


You would list those three items in a new formlist and add that new formlist to the AtrFrgAtronachForgeRecipeList (which is the recipe list assigned to the property on the script)

Then you'd put your result item at the matching index entry in the AtrFrgAtronachForgeResultList (which is the result list assigned to the property on the script).


If you want to require the sigil stone then you'll need to use the lists associated with that.



That said... your mod would be incompatible with any other mod that should add to the atronach forge recipes/rewards. There is a way you could make it compatible to other mods/dlc. Create a start game enabled quest that doesn't run once and assign a script to an alias that is persistent (i.e. the player) Have that script use AddForm to add your formlist & your reward to the respective lists during run time. An index check using GetSize to ensure that both have the matching index entries before and after would be ideal (after so that you can confirm via debug.trace statements that each list was properly increased in size).

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thanks, you're the best! But actually, i don't see a way to make a recipe that uses for example 10 daedra hearts, or just any multiple objects that has the same ID. And I need this badly, so i thought, maybe instead of making it with atronach forge, just creating new crafting station (like blacksmith forge) and then put all the recipes there. But again, i have no idea how to handle with that.

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It might be possible to do multiples with the atronach forge, but it may require editing the script itself. If you aren't comfortable with that, then it would be best to use a custom station & recipe.



To be honest a custom station & custom recipes are easier...


You'd create a recipe like any other normal recipe and assign it the custom keyword you gave to your custom crafting station rather than using the keyword of the stock crafting station. This will get you started. It explains how to add a recipe to the stock station. Once you know that you can easily adapt it to any custom station that you create. http://wiki.tesnexus.com/index.php/Making_an_item_craftable_for_Skyrim

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