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DLC Anchorage


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Simply put, dont buy something unless its worth it, this distribution method is a selfish way to do things, by selfish i mean besada, (and i care less for the speeling errors) they made this choice, and im simple, i paid for the f3, a good 60$ , in honor of their quality of work, i only buy quality goods, and this based on others comments, is not quality. the only way to change things here is dont buy DLC UNTIL its easy and convient to get. AND KEEP COMPLAINING, becuase big companies listen to a massive drop in sales,, or no sales at all.


sorry, but well, im not sorry! i get pissed off from bs, even when i wasnt involved personally, but i believe that as a group, of complaining besada nag-flaming worshippers, we can shift besada's ways to a downloadable, easy to buy, glitch free, DLC, until then i'll enjoy my candy bar,movie, and pillow.

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dont buy DLC UNTIL its easy and convient to get


It is. Much better than the old oblivion way. Plus you can download as much as you like, no need to back it up. I love GFWL. I already have an account for my xbox, and this is -really- easy and -convient-.


Buy the DLC, support the developers, then we'll likely get even more DLC :)

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lol I read your link. Its basically someone moaning because they don't have a VISA card. What are they? 10 years old? My 2 credit cards, and my debit card are VISA. Maybe some pre-planning in your life to get a usefull card might have helped the writter.
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GFWL may be nice if you have a xbox but it is beyond stupid for pc users. Forcing you to be online to play a offline game ,or attempting to at least, is absurd and apparently limiting to people not living in the right areas or having the ps3 version. I did find it fun but it was still apain in the ass at least people found away to get around the online crap. BTW they could have put it on something like fileplanet or gamersgate and you can still download as much as you want without the hassle;p
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I read many of the articles and blog posts that have gotten a lot of airtime about the Op:Anchorage DLC... One thing that was not talked about is the fact that using the Zune website to purchase the points was both easy and cheaper than going through a major retailer. On the Zune site, you can purchase blocks of 400 "Zune Points" which are 100% compatable and interchangable with "Microsoft Points", if the login for Zune matches your login for GfWL. No need to download the Zune software, no having to go out and purchase a Points Card or wait on a delivery, just a valid credit card, a GfWL login (which you'd need, anyways), and a few minutes to go out of your way to the only direct online distributor of purchase points... oh, and the ability to go through the 4-step purchasing process twice, without getting overly annoyed or exasperated about the demands placed on you to be able to buy EXACTLY the number of points needed to get Op:Anchorage, without any overage.


After downloading, GfWL only stayed active long enough for me to ensure that everything was working... and then I yanked out all the DLC files and relocated them to the FO3/Data folder to be able to play how I want, and without the need to mess with my online connection.

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well my steam is out, ah, feel better. Good piont about offline players. I have internet, but only thru wifi, meaning when i go to the cafe, use my pillow, and eat my candy bar. not really, that was a joke, this is the part where everyone luaghs, ha ha?..waiting... :-}


i have a visa, but what is easier is an anti - xbox live DLC bought from the store, fileplanet doesnt work for me, since you have to PAY to use it. surely a great reference for dll's since it always pops up in my search for awsome files. but not enough to pay, i'd rather search the hard way. you have a piont about buying DLC so they will make more. i havent thought of that one, thx. it would be like fighting for principal but stabbing yourself in the foot, eating radroach for attacking you then getting radiation, spanking your gf and getting spanked back, dlling nude mods then getting the little pervert kid virus..



what you have against 10 year old kids? what if im one? or 9 1/2? very well due to my excessive speeling errors , i mean *speeling, d%@n it, ok *spelling errors? Or maybe im a 22 yr old who hasnt been in high school for 4 years and get dumb and dumber'er who lives in **, 955** , profile info on www.somewebsite.com, and my credit card # is 555-5555-555 and social sec 555-555-5555. whos the dumb one now? only smart people like myself have had a good edumucation , carry visa cards and daydream about radroachs with errotic ware..

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Isn't the "Microsoft points" just charging you for using their servers to download the DLC? (I don't actually know im just asking.) If that happens to be the case why not just torrent it? If Bsoft is charging for DLC and we already have our own modding community then why not get a modding team to come up with our own content that not only LOOKS better, but PLAYS better as well? And just DONATE to their cause?


I for one would feel much better donating to a mod team then being forced to pay for some Bsoft half-a**ed add on that's got bugs from here to the end of time and space. Preferably an add-on that DIDN'T crash mine and numerous other users systems every 2 hours. I paid 125 bucks for the survival edition because i love the fallout series. Just to be grieve-stricken with hatred from all the crashing that just seems to exacerbate with every turn. :wallbash:



Before you tell me its my computers fault:


Ive reinstalled many times already :verymad: , fresh install then only installed Fallout 3. Done this with XP Pro as well as Vista. Since I run AMD I found disabling "Cool and Quiet" helps with the crashing problems since that POS of a program up and down clocks each core on my Phenom individually at any given time. Tell me that wouldn't play havoc on a gaming program....


So yeah, take my opinion for what its worth, but when Bsoft shows me personally they can do better, then and only then will I consider "paying" for DLC.


+1000 to the modding community! :thanks:

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