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Please help, converted console gamer w/o mod experience


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Hi guys,


I'm a console gamer who decided to switch over to pc in large part due to the great mods that I've seen on this site.


However, I'm behind the grade on my technical knowledge.


I'm running Windows 7 32 bit


AMD Athlon II X2 3 Ghz

Radeon HD 6450 1GB


I don't have very many mods installed (2k texture mods, skse, skui, fnis, unofficial patch) but I keep crashing to desktop.


I've read through a few threads (set shadows to low, set sound to cd quality, no blood spatter in my ini) but I keep ctd.


Are there any ideal settings for my rig that I should be using? (I've tried a bunch with the same result).


I normally hate asking for help, but I'm at a loss. I sincerely appreciate any assistance.



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Download GPU-Z or an equivalent to monitor your video card. I have 2.5 GB of VRAM and I had to downgrade some textures because it was filling up and making the game lockup or crash. Also, since you are running 32-bit windows, you can only use 2 GB of RAM for the game. Windows reserves 2 GB for the OS by default. You should google "Windows 7 32-bit 3GB switch" and find instructions on how to allow applications to use 3 GB. Definitely monitor both RAM and VRAM usage when you start the game and see if you are hitting a hardware limit. I suspect that you are, and that's causing the crash.

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