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Better geographical shadows


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Anyone know of a mod or know how to create a mod where the BIG mountains actually cast shadows? This is driving me nuts. Looking up at the sky in the morning and the sun is behind a mountain and when I look down on the ground I see sunlight casting shadows and illuminating the grass. This breaks my immersion so hardcore. Same thing goes for some architecture in the game. Its almost like the sun and the shadows don't match up very well.. Like Ill stand next to the shadow of a building and the sun's rays are hitting the ground where I am but the sun will be behind the building, out of sight. To my knowledge, when something is blocking the sun's rays it casts a shadow, yet this is not the case in Tamriel apparently. Makes zero sense to me. Very immersion breaking IMO.


Ive tried the ini tweak but all that does is allow mountains to cast shadows on themselves. The shadows don't reach the ground, sadly. Any help appreciated.


Would an ENB help with this?


I understand that if this was the case then a LOT of Skyrim would be in the shadows of the boundary mountains for the better part of the morning and evening but not being able to see the sun, yet it's still able to cast shadows is batshit crazy.

Edited by predicament
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This is actually quite nice idea.


I can believe this would give fps hit, and maybe it's not possible.

Mountains are made with the.. ground model.. what's it called? Height map? And rock props.


I believe it'd be possible to make height map cast shadow, but the props on the mountainside would cause issues/fps hits.

As the rocks are affected by the factor of when prop becomes visible and when it fades from sight. (draw length? Can't remember what's it called)

The same factor that affects when npc's fade out.


Ini tweaks, adjustments and such would be needed. Maybe some sort of "external" light source added via .esp, but it might be impossible.


I don't know, some random thoughts. But I'd love to see this mod.

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