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Skyrim HD 2K Textures issue.


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Hey all, I'm new to this, and to the game, and have installed the Nexus Mod Manager and downloaded a few mods to try out. The problem is that I down loaded all 4 Skyrim HD 1.5 FULL texture mods (http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/mods/607/?tab=2&navtag=%2Fajax%2Fmodfiles%2F%3Fid%3D607&pUp=1), thinking the game would look nice with all that work, but it seems I can only have 1 activated at a time, at least using the Mod Manager.

Is this right, that I can only use 1 and not all 4 or is it something really simple that I'm missing?

Thank you for your time


*EDIT* Nevermind, if I choose No to install the mod normally, instead of overwriting, it activates them all

Edited by PhantomTa2
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correct, select No..

Besides that I would suggest you switch to the 2K Lite version... the 4K version is very VRAM intensive and this will cause problems later when you start adding more texture mods where it taxes your VRAM very heavily.

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I was hoping my system would be able to take it.

i7 990X


Asus MATRIX GTX580 Platinum

Would the lite version still be recommended?

Thanks for the input, I'm new and do appreciate the effort and the more extensive knowledge of the game you have over myself, so any tips are welcome

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Yep, the lite version looks virtually the same as the full version, in fact I actually prefer it - crispness is not the holy grail. The thing is that I changed over to the lite version after seeing that almost all of my VRAM (3GB) was being used up (I use ENB, WATER, Vurts, SMIM, Ultra HD Pack, etc. and various ini tweaks (no ugrid ones)), but it still is, with it.


Graphic intensive games generally keep textures that it needs to load in your VRAM so that it can place them when and where needed, so it would probably use up almost all of it anyway (I think). I do CTD after a good while of playing, but I have 214 mods so...

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