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Game went to Hell


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Thank you for the response.


However, before I get into pulling a $1000 card out and all that, I wanted to address some other things in your post.


- the FOMM and FO3 launcher do match and neither have anything greyed out option wise


- the 660ti and the Titan used the same driver, the most current 320.18. I tried to reinstall drivers and did nothing. Haven't tried to revert back to old drivers yet.


- I downsample on a 47" lcd... I was playing FO3 and most games at 3200x1800. Also play normally at 2880x1620 and 2560x1440 no problems. So even at 1080 or 720 it still does not work.


- probably the most important new bit of info: when I turn all my mods off, the game loads up and the screen is black but the hud is visible.... ok, maybe my save games are corrupted. Problem is even when I start a new game it will crash when trying to go outside, but I can make my character and play the vault 101 missions. Wouldn't this indicate a corrupt Fallout. esm or FO3 dlc.esm master?


It's not that swapping video cards out is hard, I just don't want to if I can avoid it.


"The game , in the root where the exe for it resides, has in there a file that shows what ranges the game can run at from a default setup. all of these must be setup in order , 1,2,3,4,5 and so on for that card before playing around with tweaks."


Which file do you speak of?

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