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HiAlgoBoost & FPS Limiter


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Yo. So I just wanted if anyone has the know how on how to make HiAlgo work with FPS Limiter (they both have d3d9.dll app extensions). Also, can anyone tell me what to change in the HiAlgo.ini to remove the whole pixelated effect (lower resolution) when turning in HiAlgo?


-Thanks. :biggrin: :biggrin: :biggrin: :devil:

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In the readme for hialgoboost are instructions for using other d3d9.dll files. As far as the pixelated effect, you're going to get that with hialgoboost because that's what it DOES to increase performance on lower-end systems. There are a few different quality settings, though...again, instructions are in the readme.

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"whole pixelated effect (lower resolution) when turning in HiAlgo?"


Without that function you could might as well remove it completely as it's the core component as to why that application works in the first place.

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