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Masquerade as...


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An idea: Some support software allows a person performing a suppot function to see what the customer is doing remotely.


Very nice, we didn't have that im my time as a Senior Systems Admin for users only on servers...


So the quesion is could some really smart, talented (maybe a little nerdy) moder come up with a way to masquerade as a npc to use the built in showracemenu?

I think it would be faster and easier to mod a follower that way vs bodyside app...


Any takers?


Will check back once in a while to see if there is any traction to this idea. :smile:

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What game is this for? I'm thinking it might be Skyrim, Skyrim SE or Fallout 4 based on some of the things you have mentioned. But this is the feedback, suggestions and questions forum for the Nexus site rather than for the individual games hosted on the Nexus. If you can tell us what game you are talking about, Nexus staff should be able to move this thread to the appropriate location for you.

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