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Fallout 3 weird lagging

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So I decided to start playing Fallout 3 again. The game was already installed, I was just going to start from where I stopped last time, when everything went smoothly. However, I met some massive lag when I tried to play.

Not just when playing, but also the main menu. It kind of hangs for 0.5 seconds all the time, all the time from starting the game. I tried re-installing the game, and all removing all mods, but the lagging is still there. I have been looking for answers, but none of the ways I have found has worked for me. I did start a new save, and it runs very smoothly in the beginning. But when escaping Vault 101, when entering the Vault 101 atrium, and all places beyond that, the lagging appears again, also in the menus when pressing Esc.

I have updated the drivers, and my PC is without doubt good enough to run the game with the highest graphics options. I have Windows 7.

I tried starting the game at my old not-so-good laptop, and it runs smoothly without any problems.

I really want to play this amazing game again, but these problems are always in my way with these games :'(

Intel Core i5-2500 CPU @ 3.30GHz


GeForce GTX 560 Ti

So again, my computer should have no trouble at all with the game, but just posting these if it matters.

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I found that the Lag was due to too higher settings but when I dropped them to the "high" settings it also didn't work. What I had to do was do a manual adjust on "high" , the LOD and shadow, and fade settings and it came right. Also the depth of field. When I first got my vid card it ran on ultra no trouble at all for about 18mths, yep that's how long I,ve had the game. And then I changed to win8 and I ran into trouble with lag and other stuff. But I worked through it all and now it is running quite well.


I have the same setup as you, Computer wise.

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It didn't seem to work, what you said. This lag also happens in the main menus. I dont know if you watched it, but you can see how it looks in the video I linked in the main post. The main menu shouldnt have anything to do with graphics settings, should it?


*sigh* Never had any problems before, and it seems like I have tried everything there is to try, still without results.

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Have you tried to delete your fallout.ini, falloutprefs.ini, and rendererinfo.txt in your documents/games/FO3 folder? Simply letting the game regenerate these files has fixed countless crashes and lag from years of tweaks.

When you reinstalled the game did you pick the same directory it used to be in? If you installed in the same dir it is very possible, and actually probable that there may be some loose data files. If that is the case, it would definitely cause lag or otherwise strange anomalies.

Or if you just want to get straight into the fixing and forget the debugging I suggest the following:

1: Uninstall FO3 and any files related to it.
2: Delete loose files. I installed my game to c:/Games/Fallout3 so after uninstalling I would then navigate to that folder and manually delete the entire thing.
3: Go into your documents/games/fallout3 and delete falloutprefs.ini, fallout.ini as well as rendererinfo.txt (very important).
4: Run CCleaner or similar program to fix any registry entry errors that will without a doubt result from this.
5: Reinstall, Patch her up, and run it without any ini edits save the multithreading crash fix.

If you game still handles like crap for whatever reason then it might be safe to assume the problem may be something unrelated to FO3. Possibly update all drivers including mobo, sound, c++ redist, etc.
Also it might be kosher to check your power and clock settings both for cpu and vid (if you have never overclocked then whatever just forget this).

Edited by akkalat85
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Also since you are on win7 did you change your UAC settings ever? If you plan to reinstall again maybe you should try installing the game right to a directory on your c drive like c:/games or something. The shorter the path the less problems that seem to result. If you have no idea what it is, just google user account control and read up on how to either disable or circumvent it.

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Nope :/

Well it's obviously something about my computer. Would it help re-installing the whole computer, perhaps? That's something I really don't want to do, but it's worth doing for Fallout 3.



Also, I see in NVIDIA GeForce Experience, that it can't find Fallout 3 when searching for games on my computer. Is it something worth taking notice of?

Edited by NextGenerationNOR
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