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I need clarification regarding the WIDeadBodyCleanupScript. I have found no documentation on this at all, other than some discussions about it by the USKP team.


My understanding is that unique actor corpses may not 'decay' properly, even after a cell reset, unless they are attached with this script (which will then start a timer when the NPC dies, pack up their gears, and move their bodies to the body cleanup cell).


So, if a mod adds unique NPCs that are not flagged as essential, you should attach them with this script, yes?


What if the mod is adding more than a handful of unique NPCs? Will there be issues related to save game bloating if a lot of these mod added unique NPCs end up dying?

Edited by ripple
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Yeah, of course :) Truly? No bloat? What if we are talking about like 100 unique NPCs? All their gears in separate containers....their corpses filling up the 'dead body clean up cell'?


Also, technically speaking, even unique actor corpses should decay after a cell reset, unless they've been added to the 'WINoBodyCleanupFaction', yes? 'WIDeadBodyCleanupScript' just ensures they decay per the timer and get a urn or coffin spot the modder sets up in the various halls of the dead, right? So you could selectively attach the script just to actors who will be placed in some interior cells that do not reset?

Edited by ripple
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