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Fallout motion blur

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Hello everybody!

I'm starting this topic because i have this problem with motion blur in my fallout game, and i haven't found a solution neither in the forums nor by googling it.

The problem is that in my game, right after exiting Vault 101, i get a really crazy motion blur. In third person view, just by moving the camera, it gets really, really blurry. I looked around the menus of my mods and i couldn't find anything. I suspected it could be because of the dynavision mod, but after uninstalling it and starting to play again the problem remained.

Does someone know what might be causing it?

My main mods are:

FWE- MMM- WMK- Darnified UI- Project beauty- Dynamic Crosshair- CASM- CRAFT- CALIBR- EVE- F3Project reality- Dynavision-NMC texture packs

(i don't think other mods might be involved in this, as they don't affect the game graphically)

Thanks Everybody!

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Hi crimsonshade96,

for my experience only mod in your list that modified blur are Dynavision and F3project reality you can try:


1 - to turn off ingame option.


2 - disable (or uninstall) this mods, make a new merge patch with fo3edit, make new game for testing result.


3 - If dont work try to look your video card setting (for example nvidia control pannel or amd catalist) and set all to default.


good luck,


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