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Save bloat and likely corruption -help


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I added a few popular mods and my system started running way slower. I have played roughly 1/5th of the game on the current play and the file size is 18mb but I have a different character that played around 96% of the entire game without a few of those mods and that file size is 17mb. I recently tested to see if the bloat was really an issue by riding my horse from falkreath to whiterun and my file size went up a mb in about 20 minutes. I tried uploading the lod and mod list here but this site said I wasn’t permitted to upload them. They are here: http://code.google.com/p/asis-skyproc/issues/detail?can=2&start=0&num=100&q=&colspec=ID%20Type%20Status%20Priority%20Milestone%20Owner%20Summary&groupby=&sort=&id=29 My comments are comment 11 and 14(accurate papyrus log). The mods that are below asis in that picture are now above it as best I can figure where they should go. I have used boss for proper order of mods. The errors in the logs are random so i don't know where to start. Any suggestions/help/questions would be very much appreciated.

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My game file currently is 24.7 MB, and I have absolutely no bloat. However, I use many tools to prevent it from bloating to an unplayable point(I once had a save file that was 200 MB on a previous character, but luckily I fixed it). So here's a few questions: 1. Are you the type of person who installs/uninstalls a lot of mods on your current playthrough? If so, mods left behind can leave dead scripts and things of that sort, which causes a lot of save bloat over time(as it did with my 200 MB file). The fix for this is to 1. Have SKSE installed 2. Find your SKSE ini in your Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim/Data/SKSE folder(If it's not there, then create one). Make sure the SKSE ini has "ClearInvalidRegistrations=1". This clears up dead scripts left behind by uninstalled mods and reduces save bloat the more you play. Another tool is the "Skyrim Save Cleaner". Running this after every gaming session will allow it to reset cells that have moved References. The more objects you move/interact with in the world the bigger your save file gets.


Now, as for things YOU can do to reduce save game bloat are the following:Every time you accidentally pick up a junk object, or pick up some gear you don't want/need/display, sell everything to a vendor. Stores reset their merchandise in 2-3 days, and those items you sold to them are permanently removed from the game. You can also try sleeping 31 days to reset the cells, but I don't do this because of RND mods and just overall gameplay issues. I suggest you do the above and if the problem persists, let me know and I'll try to help more.

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My game file currently is 24.7 MB, and I have absolutely no bloat. However, I use many tools to prevent it from bloating to an unplayable point(I once had a save file that was 200 MB on a previous character, but luckily I fixed it). So here's a few questions: 1. Are you the type of person who installs/uninstalls a lot of mods on your current playthrough? If so, mods left behind can leave dead scripts and things of that sort, which causes a lot of save bloat over time(as it did with my 200 MB file). The fix for this is to 1. Have SKSE installed 2. Find your SKSE ini in your Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim/Data/SKSE folder(If it's not there, then create one). Make sure the SKSE ini has "ClearInvalidRegistrations=1". This clears up dead scripts left behind by uninstalled mods and reduces save bloat the more you play. Another tool is the "Skyrim Save Cleaner". Running this after every gaming session will allow it to reset cells that have moved References. The more objects you move/interact with in the world the bigger your save file gets.


Now, as for things YOU can do to reduce save game bloat are the following:Every time you accidentally pick up a junk object, or pick up some gear you don't want/need/display, sell everything to a vendor. Stores reset their merchandise in 2-3 days, and those items you sold to them are permanently removed from the game. You can also try sleeping 31 days to reset the cells, but I don't do this because of RND mods and just overall gameplay issues. I suggest you do the above and if the problem persists, let me know and I'll try to help more.

Oh my gosh! You are the only good advice I have been able to find on the subject. I'm new to pc gaming and am completely unfamiliar with SKSE. I am so lost. My game is 100MB at 150 hours in. The best backup save I have is 83 MB. The weird part is the save I made months ago before any mods is at 133MB?! I haven't uninstalled any mods ever, so I'm not sure what would help me. I am really hoping to fix this. I would very much appreciate your help!

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My game file currently is 24.7 MB, and I have absolutely no bloat. However, I use many tools to prevent it from bloating to an unplayable point(I once had a save file that was 200 MB on a previous character, but luckily I fixed it). So here's a few questions: 1. Are you the type of person who installs/uninstalls a lot of mods on your current playthrough? If so, mods left behind can leave dead scripts and things of that sort, which causes a lot of save bloat over time(as it did with my 200 MB file). The fix for this is to 1. Have SKSE installed 2. Find your SKSE ini in your Steam/Steamapps/Common/Skyrim/Data/SKSE folder(If it's not there, then create one). Make sure the SKSE ini has "ClearInvalidRegistrations=1". This clears up dead scripts left behind by uninstalled mods and reduces save bloat the more you play. Another tool is the "Skyrim Save Cleaner". Running this after every gaming session will allow it to reset cells that have moved References. The more objects you move/interact with in the world the bigger your save file gets.


Now, as for things YOU can do to reduce save game bloat are the following:Every time you accidentally pick up a junk object, or pick up some gear you don't want/need/display, sell everything to a vendor. Stores reset their merchandise in 2-3 days, and those items you sold to them are permanently removed from the game. You can also try sleeping 31 days to reset the cells, but I don't do this because of RND mods and just overall gameplay issues. I suggest you do the above and if the problem persists, let me know and I'll try to help more.

Oh my gosh! You are the only good advice I have been able to find on the subject. I'm new to pc gaming and am completely unfamiliar with SKSE. I am so lost. My game is 100MB at 150 hours in. The best backup save I have is 83 MB. The weird part is the save I made months ago before any mods is at 133MB?! I haven't uninstalled any mods ever, so I'm not sure what would help me. I am really hoping to fix this. I would very much appreciate your help!


Hmm. I'll try to help as best as I can. In all honesty, I found out about this stuff by looking it up over the internet when I had 200 MB file(months ago). Quicksaving took about 2 minutes, same with regular saving. Every 1.5 minutes , I'd have a mini freeze of about 2 seconds. And so and and so forth. Mine was due to me uninstalling script heavy mods. The SKSE ini fixed it. Now, since you're unfamiliar with SKSE, I'd suggest watching GophersVids on what it is, why we use it, and how to install it. It opens up a whole new world to modding.


You said that your save is 133 MB WITHOUT mods? That's really strange. Do you usually mess around with the enviroment, take everything, jump around on the Jarl's table and knock all the food off of it? IF so, then that's your answer. If not, then I have no clue. I'd try the "Skyrim Save Cleaner" and maybe that will help you out. I'm not sure why your save files are that large,especially without mods.

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You might check the following in your Skyrim.ini file (the one in my documents/my games/skyrim)




This will turn of your papyrus log function (whilch should only be used for troubleshooting if needed and then disabled)

And will revert your papyrus stacks back to default (larger just creates bulk without any useful effect)


Either of those might cause bloating, if they were changed. Hope that might help.

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I have not uninstalled any mods during the current play through and again my save is bloated as I have gone through the whole game with a 17mb save while i am currently at 18mb about 1/5th of the way through. another good tool to use against save bloat is the unofficial skyrim patch because that has dealt with the issue of left behind weapons (which are now always attached to the npc that dropped them) and nirnroot glows that pile up, never get deleted and become blinding. I know that the issue I am having is caused by mods because of my previous game size being so small but how do I isolate the mod without having to uninstall all of them, add them back in one by one and trying to decide if my game is bloating less? One concern of mine is the combination of ASIS and convenient horses. When I run by a bunch of bandits and it takes a moment to load could that be the issue? also, there are some mods i have that have dirty edits. I have had most of them through that last play through though so I don't think that could be the issue. -BTW your helpfulness is awesome. it's not often that people give of their own time to helping others without anything in return. -thank you

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Your current save is 18MB? That doesn't sound bloated to me. My save is over 25 MB and the game runs as well as it did when I created my latest character(knock on wood). I'm not sure if your save is bloated. It may be that you're hitting the 3.1 GB limit. That's what can cause CTD's more often and make your game operate slower. Also, I wouldn't worry too much about how much your save went up in 20 minutes. After 30 minutes of gameplay, I can go from a 24 MB save to a 26.5 MB save, and 2 hours later(when I'm done playing) my saves are at about 24. 3 MB.

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