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The original ways of The Elder Scrolls


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As someone who played TES since Redgaurd (yuck, i know), ive played a handful of TES mechanics and seen how much they have changed. The sad truth that the TES series dumbed downed saddens me. I enjoyed Morrowind for the fact that almost everyone disliked you and for quest you only got directions. You certainly did not feel god-like (well, until the end). To be blunt, i would like someone to make (or tell me if there is a mod for this or a series of mods)a mod that makes Skyrim feel like it isnt holding your hand through the game. I mean make quest direction based, not follow the arrow on your map/compass, if possible, make it to where the citizens either dislike you or have discomfort with you around, but when you progress through the story they cheer you on as the savior of Nirn. Also, PLEASE NERF DRAGONBORN POWERS. I swear the minute you finish the first shout the chances of you dieing, even on the highest difficulty (okay i may be stretching it there), is minimal. So please, make a mod to make Skyrim stop holding your hand through the game, for i don't have the time to make one, and after all these years, i still don't fully understand TES CK.

Edited by Dipder123
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I've seen a few mods that make quests and in game dialogue a little less obtrusive but I've not seen anything that disables 70% of the fast travel markers and adds extra dialogue to quests to give you more useful directions. The current fashion is for all dialogue to be voiced, that would likely be quite the daunting task. Not to discourage the particularly overachieving to take the task on, of course.


Good luck.

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Requiem may make it more difficult for you, though you can also try this combination:



Skyrim Unleashed



Though Requiem may fit what you're looking for better.


Even Better Quest Objectives + turning bShowFloatingQuestMarkers and bShowQuestMarkers to 0 in your SkyrimPrefs.ini


Also, Immersive Travel - No Fast Travel (hardcore version)

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Requiem may make it more difficult for you, though you can also try this combination:



Skyrim Unleashed



Though Requiem may fit what you're looking for better.


Even Better Quest Objectives + turning bShowFloatingQuestMarkers and bShowQuestMarkers to 0 in your SkyrimPrefs.ini


Also, Immersive Travel - No Fast Travel (hardcore version)



Thank you Matt for replying, I've tried SkyRe, but i will certainly will try Requiem and the other mods you mentioned, than you for the suggestions!

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