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Quest script not running

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I made a mod that is essentially an empty quest. It's just there to attach a script to. This script needs to run constantly during the entire game. Naturally, I set it to be start game enabled. On my machine, everything works perfectly. I sent the esp to my sister and the script isn't running. I had her open the console and type 'sqv <questname>' and it showed that the quest itself was running, but the script attached to it was not. This was obvious by the fQuestDelayTime variable. If the script was running it would have had a value of 0.001, instead it had a value of 0.0000.


Why does it work fine on my machine but not on hers? Did I package the esp incorrectly? I'm at a loss.

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A couple of possibilities pop to mind. Is you sister's game patched to version 1.2.0416 (providing your's is and you are using the most recent version of the CS, version 1.2.404)? If not any mod made for version 1.2.0416 of the game will fail silently.


The other thing is does your script use any OBSE functions? If it does and she doesn't have OBSE installed and working properly your script won't run on her machine.

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