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  1. This was simple and worked. I had Yuriana follower from a mod and at some point face became dark. I don't know why it did though, and i rely on LOOT to sort my load order along with MO1. Actually i first did "setnpcweight 0" and dark face became normal. Then tried with 100 aswell and it was still normal, so it's just the act of setting weight that resets something internally. edit: Oh there was a downside though, it changed face geometry. But it restores to what it should be (not dark this time) after some time of playing and/or restarting the game.
  2. I wouldn't even mind having some normal member limitations like 100mb bandwidth per hour or even less than that, if it would make the site run faster, and help you financially by great margin. Just program it in a way that downloads don't get interrupted midway. It sounded like there could be some specific users that are even leeching from the site at a rapid rate.
  3. I'd need to know where the Skyrim modlist is located on my computer. The list that manages which plugins are enabled and disabled, managed by NMM or Skyrim launcher for example. I went to use other application and reset the check-marks... I don't remember what settings i had, so with desperate attempt i could use file-restore feature of Windows 7, if i knew what file it is. I've looked all over My games\Skyrim, Skyrim and Skyrim\Data\... edit: SOLVED, found answer: \AppData\Local\Skyrim\plugins.txt
  4. I have started The quest for redguard woman, if that is the issue. When i'm doing this quest, the graybeards cast the ghost spell on floor. I wait a short while till the animation ends and then shout at it with full power. It just goes straight through them with no effect. I do have both 2 runes in the shout, and it is first time that i get this bug on new character. I can see all the graybeards gathered in the hall normally. edit: In attempt to fix this, i cured vampirism disease that was going to really infect me soon, and finished "In time of need" quest. The bug still remains. edit2: Used console command: setstage mq105 140 and it's fixed now. Followup quest for horn started normally.
  5. Oh i would still kill the dragon, but just outside the town. I wouldn't be able to leave anyway until combat is solved. It's just annoying when a merchant or quest npc dies. Maybe i should just make them essential...
  6. Would be cool to have a forcefield like bubble over Riverwood. This would give the people safety from dragon attacks, which happen often... very often. I find myself using /resurrect on npc's all the time. Technically the bubble should be above the ground a little. So that you can run and jump under it even with mount, from all 360 degree angles of the circle. Anternatively there could be a (essential) guardian wizard inside and outside the bubble to let the shield come off for 30 seconds. Then you could have a full sphere with easy collision, preferrably from outside only (then you don't need wizard inside too).
  7. Where did you get the new SKSE? As far as i see, the main site still doesn't have it updated for this version http://skse.silverlock.org/ Current release build (1.5.9, compatible with runtime on 05 June 2012): http://skse.silverlock.org/download/skse_1_05_09.7z And for above poster, it led to same forum link: http://s1.zetaboards.com/bbenlibrary/topic/4841772/1/#new Which also is about the old SKSE 1.5.9. Current Skyrim TESV.exe is version 1.7.7.
  8. I just recently came to realize that there is a lot about shine in the NIF file, model of the clothing. Shader properties, specular properties etc can make a big difference.
  9. You can move to that location in CK and then check what name the object has.
  10. I have these in SkyrimPrefs.ini, but it is still a little sluggish. Helps though: [interface] fMouseCursorSpeed=1.6000 [Controls] fMouseHeadingSensitivity=0.0420 bMouseAcceleration=0 (Now that i think about it, i haven't ever changed fMouseHeadingSensitivity) edit: Now did. Increasing it doesn't effect menus at all, but make crosshair in 3D move super fast.
  11. Did you properly save in DXT5 compression format? All formats don't support alpha channel.
  12. Actually, don't assume people use Program Files for Steam :) C is my Windows drive, limited to 50GB. Having Skyrim on my game drive at: D:\Steam\steamapps\common\skyrim Regardless, NMM found it easily.
  13. Unequip arrows automatically, because why would you want arrows on your back when switching to spells or melee weapon? http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=10753 Proper aiming in 3rd person view, corrects bug that Skyrim has with mouse cursor: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=13652 Proper length arrows, because original ones are unrealistically short, laying almost behind the fist when drawn: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=5164 Followers no longer walk stupidly and repeatedly in traps, aren't they meant for player mainly: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=11609 Shadow striping fix, is somewhat common visual bug especially in BreezeHome: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=8043 Then 1 optional mod is lush grass, to give the world the fantastic wild feeling: http://skyrim.nexusmods.com/downloads/file.php?id=3288
  14. RFBS has too wide legs, UNP and Ladybody have A-cup maximum, ADEC scales butt massive towards heavy setting => i'm still choosing CBBE. Although CHSBHC has bones for boobies which is a big plus. It's shame that common body mods regard boobies as solid plastic buckets when it comes to physics.
  15. Shininess is sometimes in the xxxxxx_s.dds but it's also possible that your normal map is made wrong, in which case you can make it transparent, to "hide the problem under the carpet".
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