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minuteman musket to work like laser rifle


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Pretty sure I don't have Charging Reload set, but thanks, I'll double check. (Nope, I was wrong, I missed it. Thanks!)


And I can always extract and swap out the reload animation. They won't match the receiver of course, but Jhawksun can probably live with that as long as he doesn't have to play organ grinder every time he switches weapons.

Edited by aurreth
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Removing Charging Reload didn't help. You still have to crank it 4 or however many times, and you still only get one shot before you have to reload again, which is what we're trying to get away from. No one wants a bolt action laser gun.

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No, I'm not trying to make it automatic. I'm trying to make it function like a regular laser rifle. AutoLaserMusket just means MORE cranking.


I can swap animations, but I need it to stop requiring cranking and stop being single shot. I've already set the ammo to 30, so just like a regular laser rifle you should get 30 shots before needing to reload. But it's still "crank 4 times, shoot once, crank 4 times, shoot once".


The keywords in it currently are identical to the lasergun keywords. So is the ammo, damage, etc. But the only change I'm seeing in game is that there is no crank on the receiver anymore.

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