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GECK crashes with nif file


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So I am creating a new outfit using in-game models for an upcoming mod of mine. So I've been using the wastelanddoctor01 nif file and just removed the satchel and other medical equipment on the model so I could have a plain white shirt and jeans. I removed the excess parts using Nifskope and I put the nif file into Blender to touch it up. However, when I put the nif file into the GECK, it just crashes to desktop. I have no idea what is going on and I am a bit of a noob when it comes to 3d modeling. Any reason why this is happening?



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You probably have your export settings wrong in Blender. The export settings are different based on what you are creating, i.e. statics, clutter items, clothing, weapons, etc. all have different export options that need to be set correctly.


For clothing, make sure you have Fallout 3 selected, then click on Restore Default Settings For Selected Game on the lower left, then click on Creature and then Skin under Collision Options (top center), then make sure Use BSFadeNode Root is not selected (upper right).


Blender won't export the shader flags properly, so you'll need to go into NifSkope to fix those. For the clothing parts, the shader type needs to be set to SHADER_DEFAULT and make sure SF_SHADOW_MAP and SF_REMAPABLE_TEXTURES are both checked. If I recall correctly that outfit has human arms visible, so for those the shader type needs to be set to SHADER_SKIN and make sure SF_SHADOW_MAP and SF_FACEGEN are both checked. Blender usually sets the rest of the shader flags correctly.


If you don't have Use BSFadeNodeRoot de-selected this tends to crash your game. If you don't have the shader flags set properly then the armor/clothing ends up invisible in-game.

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Make sure you are using Blender 2.49b and the nif tools that go with it. There are later nif tools for later versions of Blender but that has a lot of issues, especially with things that involve rigging (clothes, bodies, creatures, etc).

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