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error code 1392


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yes this happens every so often it first started with saying things like mods not in the correct staging folder and many things like that which were incorrect been having terrible issues with messages popping up on mods such as uv tweaks and rustic clothing deleting these completly and re installing fixed the issue apart from uv tweaks I also get disc checking when starting up despite shutting down correctly its a very strange new problem currently modding using vortex is the most unstable I've ever known it to be since all the Anniversery updates especially problems with enb's its a very trying but interesting time. I think I'll get windows to go into diskchecking and let that run the whole way through that should temporarily solve the isse thank you for your quick response it wont be forgotten. I'll post any future event checkers on here

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If you have windows do the disk check on reboot, it really doesn't tell you anything... It runs thru it, then starts windows. Bring the machine up in the 'recovery mode'.... Click on the start button, then hold the Shift key while clicking on 'restart'. Bring the machine up with command prompt only, run chkdsk from there, and you will actually be able to read if it finds anything odd. Prolly wouldn't hurt to run SFC after that as well.

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