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Dialogue Conditions: Getting an NPC to talk about certain Actors etc


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Hello all,

I was wondering if anyone has a better grasp of NPC dialogue conditions than myself. I'm in the midst of updating my Follower MOD http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/53557/? and I've created a fair amount of new dialogue for him. Unfortunately however, there is still a few lines that I haven't been able to get him to say.

Specifically, comments about horses, giants & dragons from a distance (pre NormalToCombat) and flowers (yes flowers).


I have been successful in getting him to comment upon specific NPCs by using the GetDistance condition, but it would be nice if I could get him to talk about Giants and dragons from a distance. I have tried the "LocationHasKeyword" but it doesn't appear to work for certain things, or at least for me anyway.


Does anyone have any useful dialogue conditions that they can suggest without having to refer to a specific reference?


Or simply any useful dialogue conditions that can be shared.



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LocationHasKeyword is only going to check for locations with a specific keyword.


So you wanna try:


GetInSameCell → (any) PlayerRef → 1.00 AND

HasKeyword → ActorTypeGiant → 1.00 OR

HasKeyword → ActorTypeDragon → 1.00 OR



Am not sure how to detect flowers.



GetInSameCell is ok for specific reference since you'll be checking against the cell the Player is in.

Edited by Terra Nova
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