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Terra Nova

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Everything posted by Terra Nova

  1. That's not so bad..compared to the official wiki. When the official forums close, a lot of links on that wiki will be broken permanently when the archived board is taken down in the future, after the shutdown. Also several functions are undocumented...I stopped trying a week ago. Wasn't worth it anymore. Who cares right?
  2. I need to point out that this is not necessarily true, as you can have a 0 duration toggle-able or kept-until-dispelled effect. And I need to point out that it is still isn't necessarily reliable. OnHit isn't either but I'm not going to bother explaining why.
  3. I feel like people just endorse mods that are made by renowned authors, so I never take this seriously.
  4. Yes and here's an example of one of the ways that's achieved. Let's take your concept and apply a little bit of it. Let's say the following code is the effect for your spell. Scriptname FillAnAliasEffect extends ActiveMagicEffect ReferenceAlias property myAlias auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Actor PlayerRef = Game.GetPlayer() ; I'm being lazy and don't feel like making another property. if akCaster == PlayerRef if myAlias.GetReference() == none ; Make sure the alias is empty first. myAlias.ForceRefTo(akTarget) else ; reference already filled. return endif endif EndEventNow let's say the spell worked, and the NPC was added to the alias. Now let's say you want this alias to be cleared if the NPC is killed, like you say: Scriptname AliasFromSpellRefScript extends ReferenceAlias Event OnDying(Actor akKiller) ; This event is faster than OnDeath. Clear() EndEvent
  5. Then it's ok when someone posts instruction on how to build a bomb? Worst case scenario is not a proof? I give up. I was going to tell you not to reply to that(as I knew what the result would be) but I'm too late lol.........
  6. GetGlobalValue The "INVALID" box becomes a drop down for you to pick GameMonth, etc.
  7. I still have one I've been working on for 2 years..
  8. Will require a perk with a perk activation entry, so you can set the activation label to be whatever you want.
  9. I never even heard of such a law. I learned something new today!
  10. The japanese have a lower age of consent, however, I don't think the author is aware that sort of the thing isn't acceptable on global websites such as this.
  11. You can do two things. You can set that wolf to initially disabled on its reference box, or you can add your NPC to the wolf faction, you'd also have to add him to the CreatureFaction as well. You can do that by adding the factions to your NPC via it's faction tab. The latter will avoid compatibility issues. The former depends on if another mod edits that particular spot and/or wolf.
  12. I have to say I'm sorry, for I don't know to set all of that up for you, and it would take me a lot of time and thought to do, which I don't have. I always test functions with a quest stage. For feeding..hmm maybe: Function FollowerFeed(Actor akFollowerRef,Float afValue) ; afValue is the amount you wish to restore health, as a float. akFollowerRef.PlayIdle(VampireFeedingBedRollRight_Loose) akFollowerRef.RestoreActorValue("Health", afValue) EndFunction
  13. Try cocing there from the game world instead of the launch screen. Also Find Loaded Area is tricky..
  14. Can use the creation kit via TextureSet.
  15. Basically an essay-esque version of what most people on the official TES forums have been talking about since Oblivion. The majority of armor mods as you know are...super revealing(THIS IS BECAUSE THEY ARE EASY TO MAKE >_>) and then you have the other sexual based mods, that if you don't filter tags, the top files banner gets flooded with them on your screen.
  16. I have checked this out, and have made a function to track dead actors, but it requires SKSE and probably slow too. Actor property PlayerRef auto Actor[] DeadActors ; We need an array to place all those dead actors, if any, inside. Keyword property ActorTypeNPC auto ; Ignore all actors that do not have this keyword. Event OnInit() DeadActors = new Actor[10] ; You dont 'need' this event. Can initialize the array another way if you want. ; Also the amount of actors can be as many as you want, up to 128. EndEvent Function ArraySetDeadActor() ; Array stuff ================ Int i = 0 ;============================= ; Cell stuff ================= Cell kCell = PlayerRef.GetParentCell() Int iCellIndex = 0 Int iCell = kCell.GetNumRefs(43) ; NPCs ; ============================ While iCellIndex < iCell ObjectReference kDeadActors = kCell.GetNthRef(iCellIndex, 43) if (kDeadActors as Actor).isDead() && kDeadActors.HasKeyword(ActorTypeNPC) DeadActors[i] = kDeadActors as Actor i += 1 endif iCellIndex += 1 EndWhile EndFunction This will add any dead actors to an array, and with that array you can do stuff to those NPCs by calling functions on it. It's easy to check if your follower is in combat, via isInCombat(), HOWEVER, the game wasn't properly programmed to tell the difference between the player and the follower in some cases, and this might be one of them where it will return false if YOU are not in combat. The thing with the vampire.. I couldn't come up with something that would work without a package.
  17. It's known. The valid range for faction rank is -128 to 127.
  18. Well good luck but I know a lot about locations that most people do not know. Also you wouldn't have to "pipe" ALL the locations..there are things you do not know that need to be taken into account that has not been uncovered in those links, nor on any mod on the nexus..
  19. Would that make enemies still attack my followers on sight? (I want this to happen) They should still attack mobs on sight.
  20. This would require testing, but you could get all of their return values and if any of them isn't default, then a mod has edited it?
  21. Not possible because ActiveMagicEffects are removed too quickly to track them.
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